Fall Fun: Scavenger Hunt

Fall Fun: Scavenger Hunt

A scavenger hunt is a great way to encourage children to observe items they would normally not pay any attention to in the course of their normal activities. It's also a terrific way to introduce your children to various science activities and get them outside, enjoying the crisp fall air, at the same time.

Our scavenger hunt will serve to encourage children to make observations and give them a chance to ponder the data they are collecting and to help them discover the wide variety of things which can be found in the great outdoors.

Families with young children can work together as a family to see how many items you can find from the list. Please print out a copy of this list for each family or individual participating. (This page has been fixed so that it should only print out the Scavenger Hunt, not the menu or introduction.)

(Not all items on this list will be found during every hike but have fun trying. Some items may be checked off for more than one list item.) We recommend not gathering items, (except for trash) as you would, in a normal scavenger hunt, but if you find something really interesting -- be sure to share it with others in your group.

Please check off each item as it's found and discuss the things you see. Space has been intentially provided for children to take notes or list the types of things they see, hear and smell. This list can be helpful for looking up additional information at a later time. An informal discussion can also be helpful when your finished, to allow the children to talk about the things they discovered during their scavenger hunt.

We've also provided easter eggs for the hunt. This list contains links that will teach, inspire and educate you on many topics. Feel free to explore. You don't have to go into the woods to have a great scavenger hunt if you don't want to.

Either way, keep your eyes open and have fun exploring.

Scavenger Hunt Check List

Fill in the Blank for Bonus Points (list type)

Action Item Check List

Listen: Describe how each sounds...

Touch: Describe how each item feels...

Smell: Talk about the different odors...

Watch: Talk about what you see...

Bonus Point Section: Discuss what you see...

Parent Discussion Topics with Sample Questions

Scavenger Hunting Tips

Each participant should wear comfortable walking shoes and dress appropriately for both the weather and the hiking conditions. If you will be hiking in an area with a lot of overgrowth, long-sleeved shirts and long pants are recommended to protect the skin. Shorts and t-shirts can be worn underneath outer clothing, then the outter layer can be removed when it is no longer needed.

List of recommended items to bring:

  • Rubber gloves are recommended as a health precaution.
  • Light Lunch
  • Drinking Water
  • Notepad or Paper and Pencil
  • Sunscreen
  • Bug Repellant
  • Water Socks (depending on the area)
  • Magnifying glass
  • Plant life identification book
  • Tree identification book
  • Animal identification book
  • Wild Flower identification book
  • Camera
  • Walking stick

Have fun and good luck to all our scavenger hunters!

Updated: July 26, 2014