Top Rated Homeschool Books
This list of parent-educator, top-rated homeschooling books has been chosen
for their outstanding features and editorial excellence. These are titles that
you will find recommended over and over again by homeschooling parent educators
due to their quality and expert advice offered to homeschooling parents.
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Top Recommended Homeschooling Books
The Complete Home Learning Source Book
The Essential Resource Guide for Homeschoolers, Parents, and Educators Covering Every Subject from
Arithmetic to Zoology by Rebecca Rupp. This fun to read, ambitious reference guide more than lives
up to its name. The Complete Home Learning Source Book, at practically three inches thick is jam
packed with titles, ordering information, and website references you will use time and time again.
Homeschooling: The Teen Years
Your Complete Guide to Successfully Homeschooling the 13- To 18-Year Old by Cafi Cohen. This book contains a large collection
of lists and quick tips offering everything from the top 10 books for teens to the most popular math programs and much more.
This is a guide you will want to return to again and again during those trying teen years.
The Ultimate Book of Homeschooling Ideas
500+ Fun and Creative Learning Activities for Kids Ages 3-12 by Linda Dobson. Looking for new and creative ways to teach your child the basics?
Look no further! Inside this innovative helper, you will find kid-tested and parent-approved techniques for learning everything from math,
science, writing, and history to manners, and much more. This book is truly a mother lode of ideas for learning!
100 Top Picks For Homeschool Curriculum
Choosing The Right Curriculum And Approach For Your Child's Learning Style by Cathy Duffy. The key to successful home
education, homeschool veterans will tell you, is determining your educational philosophy and marrying it to your child's
learning style. Then you can make an informed decision in choosing the right educational curriculum for the child. This
is the formula for success.
The Unschooling Handbook
How to Use the Whole World As Your Child's Classroom by Mary Griffith. Unschooling,
a homeschooling method based on the belief that kids learn best when allowed to pursue
their natural curiosities and interests, is practiced by 10 to 15 percent of the estimated
1.5 million homeschoolers in the United States. There is no curriculum or master plan for
allowing children to decide when, what, and how they will learn, but veteran homeschooler
Mary Griffith comes as close as you can get in this slim manual.
The First Year of Homeschooling Your Child
Your Complete Guide to Getting Off to the Right Start by Linda Dobson. The first year
of homeschooling, is hands-down the most frightening for parents. The first hurdle
parents must face is how to get started. Linda Dobson provides answers to the questions
you didn't even know to ask. There are two features you will love: First, Dobson takes
the reader through nine different styles of homeschooling and explains them thoroughly.
Then she walks you you through "A week in the life" with a family using each.
Home Learning Year by Year
How to Design a Homeschool Curriculum from Preschool Through High School by Rebecca Rupp. Finally, homeschoolers
have a comprehensive guide to designing a homeschool curriculum, from one of the country's foremost homeschooling
experts. Rebecca Rupp presents a structured plan to ensure that your children will learn what they need to know
when they need to know it, from preschool through high school. Based on the traditional pre-K through 12th-grade
Homeschooling: The Early Years
Your Complete Guide to Successfully Homeschooling the 3- to 8- Year-Old Child by Linda Dobson.
Nothing beats seeking the voice of experience if you want to join the estimated 1 to 3 million
parents who teach their children at home. Here's a guide that comes direct from the experts: a
mother of two homeschooled, now-grown children and 83 homeschooling families she surveyed. Their
stories alone make reading this starter kit on teaching ages 3 to 7 worthwhile.
The Teenage Liberation Handbook
How to Quit School and Get a Real Life and Education by Grace Llewellyn. You won't
find this book on a school library shelf--it's pure teenage anarchy. While many
homeschooling authors hem and haw that learning at home isn't for everyone, this
manifesto practically tells kids they're losers if they do otherwise. With the exception
of a forwarding note to parents, this book is written entirely for teenagers, and the first
75 pages explain why school is a waste of time.
The Homeschooling Book of Answers
101 Important Questions Answered by Homeschooling's Most Respected Voices by Linda Dobson.
Homeschooling can be a very intimidating undertaking for parents just starting out on their
homeschooling journey. This book helps to ease many fears and presents lots of research data
and professional opinions that will encourage you in this endeavor and calm those fears. You
will find this book has numerous thoughtful suggestions.
A Charlotte Mason Companion
Personal Reflections on the Gentle Art of Learning by Karen Andreola. A tenderly written,
thorough introduction to the Charlotte Mason philosophy. This chapter-by-chapter overview
of the inspiring teaching principles of Christian educator Charlotte Mason, reveals the
practical day by day method of how to teach "the Charlotte Mason way."
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through these links.
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