
A Multimedia approach to the Titanic

One of my all-time favorite movies is Titanic, with Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. This movie has been responsible for sparking an interest in the history of that time period and the circumstances surrounding the tragedy for many, who would have otherwise never paid much heed.

While the movie, Titanic isn't appropriate for all audiences, there is an incredible amount of information now available to appeal to both children and adults.

Here I have compliled resources including: model ships, picture books, DVDs, novels, puzzles, quizzes, historical accounts and more, on the subject of the Titanic. Use these resources to teach your children about they history behind the Titanic and the people who were on board and how this shipwreck changed their lives forever. Items can be purchased through Amazon and many can be found at your public library.

Children Ages 4-8 Learn about the Titanic

These selections are written with younger children in mind and have received excellent reviews. Explore the compartments, engine room and upper decks of the Titanic ocean liner with two young boys (Frank and Billy) in Inside the Titanic. Frank's room is a tiny third-class cabin. Billy and his family are traveling in a luxurious suite. But both boys are thrilled to be on the first voyage of the greatest liner ever built. They can't wait to explore every deck of this fabulous new ship.

Children Ages 9-12 Learn about the Titanic

If your child is interested in learning more about the Titanic 882 1/2 Amazing Answers To Your Questions About The Titanic is just the ticket. This book is filled with 882 ½ facts (because the ship was 882 ½ ft. long) about the people, the ship, crew, heartwarming stories of how mothers pleaded for their sons to be allowed into life boats, how lovers said goodbye to each other, how people were refused entry into life boats, and how others never made it off the ship.

Learn About Margaret Tobin Brown
"The Unsinkable Molly Brown"

"Molly" Brown was the heroine of the Titanic disaster, but when asked about the experience, she said, "Please don't say I am a heroine. I did only the natural thing and not the heroic...It isn't who you are, nor what you have, but what you are that counts, That was proved on the Titanic...it was the Brown luck. I'm unsinkable Mrs. J. J. Brown."

Learn About John Jacob Astor

Having immigrated to the U.S. from Germany in 1783, Astor was on friendly terms with such prominent figures as Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and Albert Gallatin by the time he came to dominate the North American fur trade in 1800. Jacob Astor IV "Colonel Jack" went down with the Titanic in 1912.

Learn about the Titanic

We've created a collection of movies, books, models and more. Use these selections as a starting point and see where they lead you. Children are just like sponges, they soak it all up. We just never know what path our children will find when they begin exploring the reaches of history. Be sure to check out the Titanic activities, lesson plans and other links found below.

Titanic Activities

Additional Titanic Resources

Lesson Plans and Teaching Tips

Titanic Trivia and Quizzes

Places to Go