Teaching Science

A Multimedia approach to Teaching Science

Who said science has to be taught from only textbooks? The kind of science you remember best from your own childhood is probably those hands-on experiments. I can still recalling learning to make our own batteries from pill bottles, aluminum foil and a mixture of interesting chemicals. I can recalling being totally amazed that a real live battery could be created in this fashion.

We've included a variety of materials that you will find helpful in teaching science to your budding Einstein. You will find everything from coloring books to field guides, building kits, robotics and much more. This selection is intended to help spark your child's imagination and creativity, so check them out.

When I was a child I had a thing about clocks and everyone I knew would save their old clocks for me to take apart. It was my goal to take one completely apart and reassemble it - to make it work again. I never managed that goal but I had a lot of fun trying. So, instead of throwing out those old appliances, turn them over to the kids. They will be amazed at what they find inside and it just might spark their curiosity about many things science.

Earth Sciecne - Taking care of our enviroment

Learn more about our earth and how we can help be better stewards. This section is filled with ideas for arts and crafts projects, experiments, and experiences that encourage children to enjoy and heal the environment. Find out more about acid rain, endangered wildlife, pesticides, energy, recycling, pollution, landfills, rain forests, recycling, water conservation, and related topics.

Environmental Resources

Anatomy - The Structure of Living Things

Anatomy is the science that studies the structure of the body. The human body is made up of hundreds of parts. Do your children ask you, "What makes our arms and legs move?" or "How does our heart work?". As a parent, you will be able to help your child learn how the human body functions. Children will learn how each part of the human body affects and interacts with other parts of your anatomy to help keep you healthy.

Anatomy Resources

Astronomy - Learn about the Stars

Help your child discover the wonder of our solar system. These resources will stimulate your child's interest in astronomy and help his or her understand of sciecne. Never before have workbooks contained so many opportunities for interactive learning! Find books, wall charts, flash cards and much more...

Biology - Our Living World

All children are facinated by how things work. In biology, children can find out how living things work. What makes cells split? What makes a plant grow? How do frogs change from tadpoles to four legged frogs? All of these questions can be answered in these great books and activities. Help your child explore how our many ecosystems work and how they affect the way we live.

Chemistry with Chemicals

Have you ever wondered what a volcano looks like when it erupts? What happens when we mix various chemical substances together? Does their molecular structure change? Do the chemicals change color when mixed? What did you expect to happen? Will there be any kind of reaction? These great tools will help your child learn what chemistry is all about, in a fun and safe manner.