A Multimedia approach to Animal Science

A Multimedia approach to Animal Science

Picture taken at Coyote Point, San Mateo, CA

I remember as a child, finding a tiny baby bird, who had fallen out of the nest. I wanted so much to help the poor little creature. I did everything I could for it over the next couple of days, but in the end, the bird still died. I never knew why.

Perhaps you have a child who loves all that nature has to offer? Does your son or daughter bring home ever insect or animal that crosses his or her path? Many of these resources have been a real help to us in teaching our own nature-loving son.

Our home has been host to blue bellied lizards, a couple of tarantulas, baby squirrels, crickets, slugs, raccoons and many more that fail to come to mind at this moment. Our child enjoys the wildlife that wanders into our yard and as a family we try to learn as much as we can about the deer, squirrels, hummingbirds, stellar jays, foxes, California black bears and other creatures that wander through on a daily basis.

We've included a variety of materials that you will find helpful in teaching animal science to your promising zoologist. You can help your son or daughter understand the life cycle of these living creatures and explore their habitats together. You will find all the information that you need here to help your child learn about the animal world around them.

Primary Grade Level Animal Science

Children love animals! So why not take a natural approach to learning science by starting them out early, learning the science of nature. How do animals communicate? What do they eat? Where do they live. These books will thrill and facinate your child, stimulating a thirst for further knowledge of the wildlife living around them.

Preschool - 2nd Grade Level Birds - Bird stories and more

This collection of bird books will get your child thinking about those creatures in the sky. Build a bird house. Find out what they eat. What birds live in your area? How many can types have you seen in your own backyard? Talk about how the birds live and if they migrate. Invest in a pair of binoculars and spend some time bird watching.

Squirrel Science - Get to know the squirrels

Did you know that by looking at a squirrels tail you can tell if you will have a hard, cold winter or a mild one? It's true. The same is true of a Catapillar, if you can find one. The fuller their coat, the more winter you will experience. These were things our grandparents knew, but many parents have neglected to pass along this knowledge to their children.

Explore the world of squirrels. They are such facinating creatures and most easy to please. These resources will help you find out how squirrels spend their time and energy. Learn where squirrels live and what they eat. You might even make a friend or two. Just remember just like other wildlife, squirrels are wild animals, never touch one. Squirrels are a member of the rodent family and do carry diseases, not to mention they have very sharp teeth.

Bat Science - Learn about bats

Bats are curious creatures. Believe it or not they are very important to the balance of life. Did you know bats eat thousands of insects every night? Do you know where bats live? Some people actually build houses for bats to live in and encourage them to nest near them - especially farmers. Learn more about the world of bats, it will facinate and amaze you.

Find out more about Bats

Raccoons - Our Pesky Backyard Friends

Raccoons are nocturnal animals who like to hunt at night. They have unique markings on their face and tails that make raccoons easy to recognize. Raccoons are well known for their curiosity and mischievousness. Why do they get into the trash? Why are they always rummaging for food? This useful information will answer all your questions about raccoons.

Find out more about Raccoons