Joint Committee to Develop a Master Plan for Education
Access to Quality Education
Access To Current Textbooks And Instructional Materials Aligned With Learning Expectations
The State must also assure that every school has current textbooks, technology, and/or other instructional materials that are aligned with the content expected to be taught to each student, in sufficient quantity for each student to have access to these materials for home use. This requirement is of fundamental importance. In turn, students must take advantage of these resources and apply themselves in a sustained effort to meet or exceed academic standards set for them. We therefore recommend:
Recommendation 13
State and local policy-makers should ensure that every school is provided with sufficient quantities of learning materials, equipment, and other resources that are current, in good condition, and appropriate to the learning needs of students, including:
- Individual textbooks, workbooks, and other required instructional media for use in and out of school;
- Resources necessary to enable teachers to tailor and creatively adapt curriculum to the interests and needs of individual students;
- Supplies, equipment, and other instructional materials necessary to support the instructional program at each level, as recommended in the state content standards, including teacher guides to textbooks;
- Computers with Internet access that each student and teacher may use on a basis determined by school personnel to be appropriate for her/his level of study or teaching;
- Suitable chairs, desks, and other classroom or laboratory equipment;
- Books, technical manuals, and other materials or equipment that can be borrowed from the school library and elsewhere, that students may use individually;
- Curriculum and materials for English language learners; and
- Curriculum, materials, and support for learners with identified disabilities.
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