New to Homeschooling?

Starting Out — Advice for New Homeschoolers

First year homeschoolers are always a little nervous, apprehensive and often more than a little unsure of themselves. These resources will help you get past the homeschooling jitters and help you relax and enjoy your new experience -- and the kids.

Hip Homeschool Moms

Hip Homeschool Moms was created in hopes that homeschoolers from every background, and those simply curious about homeschooling would have a place to connect, engage, and grow. Our goal is to bring homeschoolers together for friendship and support while providing them with lots of helpful resources along the way!

Second Rate Education or Second Chance?

As school begins anew once again this fall it gives me the chance to reflect on the scope of education and its purpose. As parents we must continually ask ourselves what is the purpose of education and evaluate our own motivations. Updated August 5, 2009

The Settlers of Catan

The Settlers of Catan is a trading and building game set in the mythical world of Catan. This exciting new game has won awards in various countries. This is a strategy game where players collect resources and use them to build roads, settlements and cities on their way to victory. Posted March 27, 2009

10 Tips For New Homeschoolers

Homeschooling is a big, and sometimes, frightening step to take. You know your entire life is going to change in ways you can't imagine. Veteran homeschool mom Marye Audet, has successfully homeschooled two children through to graduation. She's still at it with children in various stages of their education. Currently she is teaching children ages; 15, 14, 12, 9, 7, 4. Posted October 11, 2008

LocalHS Homeschool Resources

LocalHS is dedicated to providing quality resources for homeschoolers of all types. We encourage you to check out LocalHS recommended books and resources. October 03, 2016

The Road to Homeschool: The Big Decision

I've been a homeschool advocate for twenty-years now. Some how it doesn't seem possible that I'm that old or that I have children a quarter of a century old. Saying it that way makes it even worse. August 20, 2006

Starting Out: The School-At-Home Method

We have been homeschooling for just under a year. Our children (ages 10 and 11) did not fit well into the local school system. After years of fighting with them, and a parent/teacher conference where my son's homeroom teacher announced that he would fail 5th grade because he kept forgetting his pencil we decided that enough was enough. We gave them about two months of free time and then ploughed ahead. August 20, 2006

Starting Out: Video Addiction

Help! My son only wants to play video games. He is trying to make contact with some friends but plans keep falling through so most of the time he is just home watching TV or playing videos. What do I do? Mia responds to a frustrated parent on a homeschooling e-group... March 26, 2006

Starting Out: Deschooling

I began homeschooling my dd [darling daughter] for 5th grade. I pulled her out of a private school that she had attended since Kindergarten. JoJo shares about transit from private school to homeschool... November 16, 2005

Starting Out: Decompession Time

My children were 9 & 10 when I pulled them out of public school. I think it took a good 6 months to decompress, but maybe a full 1-2 years before we started realizing the full benefits of homeschooling. Heather tells her beginning homeschool story... November 16, 2005

Updated: January 9, 2016