Homeschool Legislative News

2006 Homeschool Legislation Update

Iowa: Virtual Charter School

House File 2099 - This bill establishes the virtual public schools Act, which permits a school district board, charter school board, or the department of education to sponsor a public virtual school. The bill includes legislative findings and declarations, which include the statement that virtual schools should be recognized as public schools and provided equitable treatment and resources as any other public school in the state.

Iowa: Tax Credit for Homeschoolers

House File 2121 - This bill provides a home schooling tax credit equal to 25 percent of the first $1,000 spent by a taxpayer on tuition and textbooks for each dependent to receive competent private instruction in kindergarten through grade 12. The credit is in lieu of the present tuition tax credit. Competent private instruction is instruction that uses a plan and a course of study in a setting other than a public or accredited private school.

NH: Compulsory Attendance Age

SB 268 - An act raising the age of required attendance of children in school. This bill raises from 16 to 18 the age for compulsory school attendance and provides a procedure for a pupil who is at least 16 years of age to obtain an attendance waiver from school.

VA: Three Bills to Amend the Home Instruction Statute

Submitted by: Shay Seaborne

Please visit The Organization of Virginia Homeschoolers for more details on homeschooling legislation of interest to Virginia homeschoolers.


2005 Homeschool Legislation

With many state legislatures beginning their 2005 session, homeschooling is once again a hot button issue. Numerous states have targeted homeschoolers by introducing legislation which would restrict homeschooling freedom.

The Federalization of Homeschooling

Posted (December 4, 2003) Did you know?
There are nine pieces of federal legislation currently being considered by Congress, which include the words "home school" in them, or refer to existing legislation that includes home school.

Homeschoolers Oppose HSLDA's Efforts

Posted (December 2, 2003) As the previous legislative chair for California Homeschool Network, I learned first-hand the importance of each and every word included in legislative proposals. A poorly written piece of legislation can actually create more problems than it solves.

Homeschool Non-Discrimination Act (HONDA)

Posted (December 1, 2003) Homeschoolers in some states may suffer "unintended consequences" because of this legislation. Do you know exactly how HR 2372 & SB 1562 will affect your state's homeschool practices and your current state laws?