Medical Emergencies and Children
Injuries, accidents and illness happen and often times they can't be avoided but parents can have the upper hand by preparing ahead of time for these medical emergencies.
Pete and Maribel Hernandez have provided a list of emergencies to assist parents in anticipation of the unexpected, helping to save not only precious time but also money on costly and often unnecessary professional medical care. A little advance preparation can also cut response time and save a father or mother's frazzled nerves.
Prioritize a medical emergency;
then find an appropriate herb for the condition.
A medical facility in Colorado reported that more than 90% of incoming office calls about sick children were managed by office advice from nurses. Parents often call because they need help determining whether they need an office visit or not.
Parents can learn how to prioritize medical emergencies then dovetail the appropriate use of herbs for any number of conditions. Parents can focus their energy on providing immediate direct care to their child. By doing this, parents develop confidence to independently care for minor childhood illness and injuries at home. By incorporating preventive aspects of pediatric management, the parent can act. Many simple questions can be answered by standard pediatric textbooks. But, the aspect of treatment needs be referenced back to a primary herbal text, you have found useful.
Below are 4 categories to help you prioritize the condition. For your convenience you could create a three ring binder with dividers. The dividers could each be labeled:
- Trauma Emergency
- Newborn/Toddler Emergency
- Accidents/Symptoms
- Childhood Diseases
After you have created the dividers add college rule paper. Now, look up the conditions in your favorite herbal text. What plants are suggested? Write down the names of the medicinal plants. Next, read about their "properties". If your herbal text does not cover properties, you will want one that does. In this way you are creating your own little binder on "Medical Emergencies and Herbs". Think of it as an herbal first aid course at home. Before you use any herb, it is critical you first prioritize the condition.
Health Related Articles and Resources
- Biology Covers a first year college or high school biology course.
- Annette's Favorite Health Related Links
- The Beginner's Guide to Natural Living
- Health Education Links - Teaching Health
- Plan Ahead for Medical Emergencies
- Botany Online
- Scott's Botanical Links Search Results
Four categories of medical emergencies are:
- Trauma Life Support Emergency: (911)
- Serious Illness/disease: Seek help immediately
- Moderate Illness: Seek help within 24 Hours
- Mild Illness: Treat at Home
Also, listed below are some common emergencies that occur with infants, toddlers, and older children. Here are some suggestions on how to use this list. Create pages in your binder. List these common emergencies. Next to them write your notes. What herb did you use to handle that condition? What supplies did you need, but didn't have? How can you better prepare yourself next time for any of these emergencies?
The links provided here can be used in an emergency to help find treatment options and to help you evaluate the medical situation quickly. You may wish to create a page in your notebook for each condition, along with treatment notes, to create a quick reference Herbal guide.
Trauma Emergency:
- Anaphylaxis
- Choking
- Confusion (Delirium)
- Fainting
- Poisoning (Ingestion)
- Respiratory Distress (Breathing Difficulty, Severe)
- Seizure with Fever (Febrile Seizure)
- Seizure without Fever
- Bone, Muscle, Joint and Ligament Trauma
- Ear Trauma
- Eye Trauma
- Finger and Toe Trauma
- Head Trauma
- Mouth Trauma
- Nose Trauma
- Skin Trauma (Cuts, Scrapes, Burns, and Bruises)
- Puncture Wound
- Tooth Trauma
Newborn/Toddler Emergency:
- Breast-Feeding Questions
- Crying Baby Younger Than 3 Months
- Crying Child Older Than 3 Months
- Diaper Rash
- Jaundiced Newborn
- Umbilical Cord Problems
- Newborn Appearance
- Newborn Rashes
- Spitting up (Reflux)
- Thrush
- Fever
- Abdominal Pain
- Abscess
- Acne
- Alopecia (Patches of Hair Loss)
- Anemia
- Aneurism
- Angina Pectoris
- Anus Prolapsus
- Anus Fissure
- Appendicitis
- Asthma Attack
- Athlete's Foot
- Bee or Wasp Sting
- Bite, Animal
- Bite, Insect
- Bite, Snake
- Bite, Spider
- Bite, Tick
- Bronchitis
- Burn
- Canker Sore (Mouth Ulcer)
- Chest Pain
- Chickenpox (Varicella)
- Cold
- Conjunctivitis
- Constipation
- Convulsions
- Cough
- Croup
- Diarrhea
- Dizzy (Vertigo)
- Earache
- Ear Congestion
- Ear Discharge
- Ear, Pulling at or Itchy
- Ear, Swimmer's (Otitis Externa)
- Eczema
- Eye Allergy
- Eye, Chemical in
- Eye, Foreign Body
- Eye, Red (without Pus)
- Eye, with Pus
- Fluid Intake, Decreased
- Food Poisoning
- Gastritis
- Gonorrhea
- Groin or Scrotum Swelling/Pain
- Hand/Foot/Mouth Disease
- Hay Fever
- Headache
- Hives (Urticaria)
- Infection Exposure
- Laryngitis
- Lice
- Limb Pain
- Lymph Nodes, Swollen
- Menstrual Cramps
- Nosebleed
- Poison Ivy, Oak, or Sumac
- Rash, Localized
- Rash, Widespread
- Rash, While on Prescription Drugs
- Ringworm
- Sinus Pain or Congestion
- Sore Throat
- Strep Throat
- Sty
- Sunburn
- Swallowed Foreign Body
- Toothache
- Urination, Pain with (Dysuria)
- Vaginal Itching or Irritation
- Vaginal Papules (Well-demarcated pimples on the labia majora; clinically distinguishable flat papules)
- Vomiting
- Wheezing
Childhood Disease
- Measles
- Mumps
- Roseolo
- Rubella
- Scarlatina
Related Links
About the Authors
Pete and Maribel Hernandez are homeschool parents to their seven children ranging from ages 20 years old - 2 years old (Daniel 20, Dania 17, Peter 11, John 10, Ivanna 5, Joseph 4, Brianna 2). They reside in Amarillo, TX, where they apply their time studying, researching, designing and writing a medical preceptorship syllabus from a distinctively Biblical view, for their children. They welcome your comments or questions, call (806) 335-3061 or E-mail. All scripture quotations taken from the King James Version
© 2006 - 2012 Pete & Maribel Hernandez All rights reserved.