Homeschooling Field Trips
2017 Archives
2017/03/28 - Motherlode Area Calendar of Events
The kids will love exploring the great outdoors in Calaveras and Tuolumne Counties. Get outside and enjoy the fine summer weather, the kids will have fun swimming, rafting, birdwatching, hiking, cycling, or just singing around the camp fire. We've included many family resources and event information for Calaveras and Tuolumne County. Explore the Mother Lode and all it has to offer.
2017/03/28 - Visit the Exploratorium in San Francisco, CA
No child living in the area should reach the age of ten, without having visited the Exploratorium and taking advantage of all it has to offer both children and adults alike.
2017/03/28 - These Amazing Bats
You could say a bat is handy to have hanging around. After all, bats are great for the ecosystem. Most eat tons and tons of harmful insects. Some species help reseed rainforests, while others pollinate plants.
2017/03/28 - Exploring the Local Terrain
Come along with us on our 2005 hiking trip to Natural Bridges near Columbia, CA. Having been told we'd find a swimming hole at the bottom of our trek, doubt began to crowd my mind, as we meandered along a dried up creek bed. Where was all the water? Did we make a huge mistake? Please let their be water here somewhere!
2017/03/28 - Scouting Out Clavey River
Have you ever attempted to imagine what it must have been like for the settlers who rode the dusty trail in covered wagons, on horseback and on foot to start a new life in the west? Not many of us could in our wildest dreams imagine the hardship and trials those early pioneers endured in their travels across the wilderness. This trip was one of the scariest adventures I've ever dared to attempt.
2017/03/28 - Exploring Natural Bridges Habitat
Our 2006 Trip to Natural Bridges: Summer is here and so is the hot weather. Kicking off the season right, we made the excursion to Vallecito, CA and traipsed down the trail to Natural Bridges. You may recall we made the same trip last year. Oh, what a difference a year can make. Don't miss our photo gallery. This year the camera actually worked.
2017/03/28 - Stinging Nettle Teaches Homeschooled Teenager Why People Like to Shop
Young Annika learns a love for nature and gains insight into a womans natural need to play the part of the gatherer, with stinging nettles experience.
2017/03/28 - Plan a Big Trees Campout
Calaveras Big Trees State Park, is located northeast of Stockton, California on the Highway 4 corridor. The giant sequoias are a not-to-be-missed experience — these are the biggest trees on earth! You will also be able to swim, raft, go birdwatching, hike, ride your bike, or just sit back and enjoy the incredible beauty of this park.