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Alachua County

Homeschooler's Health and Fitness

A healthy person is a happy person!

Focus on encouraging participants to learn about good nutrition, anatomy and physiology, the benefits of exercise, exercise safety and positve coping skills.

Meeting: Health and Fitness classes held in the Gainesville area.

Serving: Alachua, Archer, Gainesville, Hawthorne, High Springs, La Crosse, Micanopy, Newberry, Waldo and surrounding areas.

Neighboring Counties: Bradford, FL, Clay, FL, Columbia, FL, Gilchrist, FL, Levy, FL, Marion, FL, Putnam, FL, Union, FL

Alachua, FL

Dawn-Elise Snipes


North Florida Homeschoolers Association

We are a support and socialization group/co-op. We do not discriminate in any way.

Meeting: We meet monthly (irregularly) usually at the West Side Park in Gainesville, FL.

Serving: Gainesville, Alachua, Micanopy, Melrose and Archer areas.

Neighboring Counties: Bradford, FL, Clay, FL, Columbia, FL, Gilchrist, FL, Levy, FL, Marion, FL, Putnam, FL, Union, FL

Alachua, FL

Callie Williams
Ph:(352) 336-9391

Ruthie Hall


North Florida Play Group

Come Join the Fun!

We are a new small group in Gilchrist, and surrounding counties. We are currently all homeschooling, but public school children are welcome. We try to meet biweekly for fun, and play.

Meeting: We try to meet biweekly for playgroup fun.

Serving: This is a playgroup for homeschool, and non homeschooled children. We are a small, newly formed group.

Neighboring Counties: Alachua, FL, Baker, FL, Bradford, FL, Citrus, FL, Clay, FL, Columbia, FL, Dixie, FL, Gilchrist, FL, Lafayette, FL, Levy, FL, Marion, FL, Putnam, FL, Suwannee, FL, Taylor, FL, Union, FL

Alachua, FL


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The Moms' Group

Character begins at home!

This is a moms-only monthly support group. Topics vary month-to-month. There are no membership dues or requirements. This is a popular, very encouraging group with no "cliques" and filled with mothers from many different churches and backgrounds who come together to encourage one another.

Meeting: The second Thursday night of each month at 7:00 p.m. through the school year. Off during the summer.

25467 S.W. First Avenue, Newberry, FL 32669

Serving: Newberry, Trenton, Tyler, Haile, Cadillac, Half Moon, Micanopy, Pinesville, Gainesville, and surrounding areas.

Neighboring Counties: Alachua, FL, Bradford, FL, Citrus, FL, Clay, FL, Columbia, FL, Miami-Dade, FL, Dixie, FL, Gilchrist, FL, Hamilton, FL, Lafayette, FL, Lake, FL, Levy, FL, Madison, FL, Marion, FL, Putnam, FL, Sumter, FL, Union, FL, Volusia, FL

Alachua, FL

Mardy Freeman
Ph:(352) 472-7700

Juli Stewart
Ph:(352) 377-8111


Alamance County

Alamance County Christian Home Educators

Get Handprints Newsletter!

Providing information, inspiration, and support to families who exercise their God-given right and responsibility to educate their children. ACCHE is made up of families who enjoy getting together on a regular basis for activities and educational opportunities.

Serving: Alamance county and surrounding area.

Neighboring Counties: Caswell, NC, Chatham, NC, Guilford, NC, Orange, NC, Randolph, NC, Rockingham, NC

Alamance, NC

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More Information

Alamance County Home School Band

Creating a joyful sound!

Making music helps show the public the truth about homeschoolers, conquers prejudices, and enriches the lives of all students. Our performances bring positive publicity to the group and shows students a different perspective on education.

955 Quaker Ridge Road, Mebane, NC 27302

Serving: Alamance, Burlington, Elon, Graham, Green Level, Haw River, Mebane, Ossipee, Swepsonville, and surrounding communities.

Neighboring Counties: Caswell, NC, Chatham, NC, Guilford, NC, Orange, NC, Randolph, NC, Rockingham, NC

Alamance, NC

Steve Morris
Ph:(336) 266-2815

Jazz Band 

Alamance County Homeschoolers

Come join us!

ACH is a private facebook group for homeschoolers in Alamance County, NC to share information including but not limited to educational sites, local events, and homeschooling news.

Serving: Alamance County

Neighboring Counties: Caswell, NC, Chatham, NC, Guilford, NC, Orange, NC, Randolph, NC, Rockingham, NC

Alamance, NC



Charlotte Mason Book Discussion Group

Exploring Charlotte Mason's philosophies

As a new reading group in the Mebane area, we are beginning with the quintessential CM-introduction, For the Children's Sake, and will continue on with reading through Charlotte Mason's volumes. The goal of our group is to provide support and rich discussions regarding Miss Mason's philosophy and methodology. We hope to grow in our understanding of her principles in order to implement this teaching in our homes, our home school, and our daily lives. Please join us, whether you are new to CM or a seasoned veteran!

Meeting: Mebane, NC

Serving: Hillsborough, Mebane, Graham, Burlington, Chapel Hill.

Neighboring Counties: Alamance, NC, Caswell, NC, Chatham, NC, Durham, NC, Guilford, NC, Orange, NC, Person, NC, Randolph, NC, Rockingham, NC

Alamance, NC

Elizabeth Williams
Ph:(919) 619-1337

Charlotte Mason

Alameda County

Alameda Oakland Home Learners

AOHL is for parents and kids of all ages!

Welcoming homeschoolers of all ages, our ranks include a substantial teen membership, as well as younger children. Members foster friendships, organize activities, and share resources. We regularly organize classes, activities and field trips for our members through our active email list and have an online discussion group to delve more deeply into homeschooling questions. We also host large events for the local homeschooling community.

Meeting: Group meets the 1st Thursday each month at Lincoln Park, ask for a greeter.

Serving: East Bay area, including: Alameda, Oakland, Dublin, San Leandro, Berkeley, Centerville District, Castro Valley, Ashland, Cherryland, Pleasanton, Fairview, San Lorenzo, Piedmont, Emeryville and surrounding areas.

Neighboring Counties: Contra Costa, CA, San Francisco, CA, San Joaquin, CA, San Mateo, CA, Santa Clara, CA, Stanislaus, CA

Alameda, CA

Ph:(510) 851-5301


Bay Area Homeschool Field Trips

Member driven!

For homeschoolers in the San Francisco Bay Area who enjoy field trips. Posts are limited to field trips, classes, clubs, or homeschooling events. Something for everyone: chess clubs, the symphony, square dancing, conferences, hikes, the arts and much more... Join in on the fun.An online community geared toward organizing local field trips.

Meeting: Various planned events.

Serving: Curtner, Dublin, East Pleasanton, Dougherty, Niles Junction, Oakland, Pabrico, Union City, Warm Springs District, West Oakland, and surrounding communities

Neighboring Counties: Alameda, CA, Contra Costa, CA, Lake, CA, Marin, CA, Mendocino, CA, Merced, CA, Napa, CA, Sacramento, CA, San Benito, CA, San Francisco, CA, San Joaquin, CA, San Mateo, CA, Santa Clara, CA, Santa Cruz, CA, Solano, CA, Sonoma, CA, Stanislaus, CA, Yolo, CA

Alameda, CA

Stephanie Hood

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If you have questions or comments please email Annette M. Hall.

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