Berkshire County Homeschoolers (BCH)
Join Berkshire Homeschoolers for fun and education!
This group as a way to connect with other homeschooling moms in Berkshire COunty Massachusetts or nearby in other towns in Berkshire County who have chosen to homeschool their children.
Serving: Pittsfield, Lee, Lenox, Lanesborough, Adams, North Adams, Williamstown, Dalton and areas in and surrounding the Berkshire County area.
Neighboring Counties: Litchfield, CT, Franklin, MA, Hampden, MA, Hampshire, MA, Columbia, NY, Windham, VT
Berkshire, MA
Alison Drozd
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Berryville Mom's Night Out
Our group enjoys meeting together for time of fellowship and refreshment. Every other month we try and focus on a topic and either have a speaker or round table discussion.
Meeting: Last Thursday of every month at a home in Berryville. Meets at 7:00 p.m.
Serving: Berryville, Winchester, Boyce and Bluemont area Mom's.
Neighboring Counties: Fauquier, VA, Frederick, VA, Loudoun, VA, Warren, VA, Jefferson, WV
Clarke, VA
Samantha Walraven Ph:(540) 955-1330
Christian Non-Denominational
Bexar/Atascosa Secular Homeschoolers (BASH)
Homeschool Support
BASH was developed to bring homeschoolers in Bexar and Atascosa counties together for fun and education. There is no religious or spiritual requirement, no statement of faith is required. All faiths and belief systems are welcome. Our goal is friendship, fun and education without having to declare a religious philosophy. Join us for: field trips, Co-Op classes, park days, seminars, organized sports, scouting, volunteer opportunities and more...
21000 state hwy 16 s #1, Von Ormy, TX 78073
Serving: South San Antonio, San Antonio, Poteet, Jourdanton, Von Ormy, Pleasanton, Somerset. We primarily serve south San Antonio and surrounding areas but we welcome anyone who wants to join our activities.
Neighboring Counties: Atascosa, TX, Bandera, TX, Bexar, TX, Comal, TX, Frio, TX, Guadalupe, TX, Karnes, TX, Kendall, TX, La Salle, TX, Live Oak, TX, McMullen, TX, Medina, TX, Wilson, TX
Atascosa, TX
Kathleen Dougherty Ph:(210) 816-0709
Nicole Richardson Ph:(210) 816-0709
Inclusive Secular
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Bexar/Atascosa Secular Homeschoolers (BASH)
Homeschool Support
BASH was developed to bring homeschoolers in Bexar and Atascosa counties together for fun and education. There is no religious or spiritual requirement, no statement of faith is required. All faiths and belief systems are welcome. Our goal is friendship, fun and education without having to declare a religious philosophy. Join us for: field trips, Co-Op classes, park days, seminars, organized sports, scouting, volunteer opportunities and more...
21000 state hwy 16 s #1, Von Ormy, TX 78073
Serving: South San Antonio, San Antonio, Poteet, Jourdanton, Von Ormy, Pleasanton, Somerset. We primarily serve south San Antonio and surrounding areas but we welcome anyone who wants to join our activities.
Neighboring Counties: Atascosa, TX, Bandera, TX, Bexar, TX, Comal, TX, Frio, TX, Guadalupe, TX, Karnes, TX, Kendall, TX, La Salle, TX, Live Oak, TX, McMullen, TX, Medina, TX, Wilson, TX
Bexar, TX
Kathleen Dougherty Ph:(210) 816-0709
Nicole Richardson Ph:(210) 816-0709
Inclusive Secular
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Beyond Books Homeschool Co-op
Beyond Books Homeschool Co-op meets all year long with lots of great activities and learning experiances for our kids. We are an all inclusive group for families homeschooling their children, regardless of race, homeschooling style or religion.
Serving: Families from Kayesville all the way to Ogden.
Neighboring Counties: Morgan, UT, Salt Lake, UT, Tooele, UT, Weber, UT
Davis, UT
Camille Jarman
Theresa Ryder
Bible Baptist Homeschoolers
A conservative christian support group
We offer monthly field trips as well as weekly co-op classes and Bible study. Membership is FREE. We are a conservative christian homeschool ministry based out of St. Augustine, FL. Our goal is to encourage parents and help them "train up" their children according to God's word.
Meeting: Monthly field trips and weekly co-op starting at 1:00 p.m. at: Bible Baptist Church 2485 Old Moultrie Rd.
Serving: St. Augustine, Saint Augustine, Hastings, Spuds, St. Johns, Saint Johns, World Golf Village and surrounding areas.
Neighboring Counties: Clay, FL, Duval, FL, Flagler, FL, Putnam, FL
St. Johns, FL

Carla King
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Bicentennial Park Playgroup
Come join us!
Welcome to Fresno Area’s Central Valley Homeschoolers. We offer information and events. We are an all inclusive, volunteer based community welcoming any family that is currently or interested in homeschooling. We encourage the community based networking of families in providing opportunities to meet, share activities and events that homeschooling families may be involved or interested in. We have park days for all ages of children.
Meeting: Weekly at Bicentennial Park in Clovis, (at Sierra & Sunnyside) - Tuesdays 12:00 p.m.
Serving: Clovis, Glorietta, Tarpey Village, Cameo, Pinedale, and surrounding communities.
Neighboring Counties: Inyo, CA, Kings, CA, Madera, CA, Merced, CA, Mono, CA, Monterey, CA, San Benito, CA, Tulare, CA
Clovis, CA
Katzi Engle Ph:(559) 291-3972
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Bicentennial Park Playgroup
Come join us!
Welcome to Fresno Area’s Central Valley Homeschoolers. We offer information and events. We are an all inclusive, volunteer based community welcoming any family that is currently or interested in homeschooling. We encourage the community based networking of families in providing opportunities to meet, share activities and events that homeschooling families may be involved or interested in. We have park days for all ages of children.
Meeting: Weekly at Bicentennial Park in Clovis, (at Sierra & Sunnyside) - Tuesdays 12:00 p.m.
Serving: Highway City, Sierra Sky Park, Pinedale, Clovis, Burness, Las Palmas, Calwa, Fresno, Pratton, and surrounding communities.
Neighboring Counties: Inyo, CA, Kings, CA, Madera, CA, Merced, CA, Mono, CA, Monterey, CA, San Benito, CA, Tulare, CA
Fresno, CA
Katzi Engle Ph:(559) 291-3972
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Big Country Home Educators (BCHE)
Home is where the Smart is!
Big Country Home Educators support the efforts of Christian home educators by disseminating information and pooling our resources to provide supplemental educational opportunities. BCHE provides opportunities for fellowship, and encouragement. We are a large group, coordinating a wide range of activities and field trips to include a science and history project fair, basketball, family movie night, Christmas music festival and a used book and curriculum sale to name a few. We look forward to working with you in enriching your home school experience.
Meeting: Our members meet regularly for group activities, field trips, play dates and more...
P.O. Box 6861, Abilene, TX 79608-6861
Serving: Admiral, Baird, Clyde, Cross Plains, Dudley, Jayell, Putnam, Rowden, Belle Plain, Pueblo, and surrounding communities.
Neighboring Counties: Brown, TX, Callahan, TX, Coke, TX, Coleman, TX, Concho, TX, Eastland, TX, Fisher, TX, Haskell, TX, Jones, TX, Kent, TX, McCulloch, TX, Mitchell, TX, Nolan, TX, Runnels, TX, Scurry, TX, Shackelford, TX, Stephens, TX, Sterling, TX, Stonewall, TX, Taylor, TX, Throckmorton, TX, Tom Green, TX
Callahan, TX
Kay Orr Ph:(325) 691-1814
Big Country Home Educators (BCHE)
Home is where the Smart is!
Big Country Home Educators support the efforts of Christian home educators by disseminating information and pooling our resources to provide supplemental educational opportunities. BCHE provides opportunities for fellowship, and encouragement. We are a large group, coordinating a wide range of activities and field trips to include a science and history project fair, basketball, family movie night, Christmas music festival and a used book and curriculum sale to name a few. We look forward to working with you in enriching your home school experience.
Meeting: Our members meet regularly for group activities, field trips, play dates and more...
P.O. Box 6861, Abilene, TX 79608-6861
Serving: Bronte, Edith, Fort Chadbourne, Robert Lee, Sanco, Shawville, Tennyson, Pecan Mott, and surrounding comminties.
Neighboring Counties: Brown, TX, Callahan, TX, Coke, TX, Coleman, TX, Concho, TX, Eastland, TX, Fisher, TX, Haskell, TX, Jones, TX, Kent, TX, McCulloch, TX, Mitchell, TX, Nolan, TX, Runnels, TX, Scurry, TX, Shackelford, TX, Stephens, TX, Sterling, TX, Stonewall, TX, Taylor, TX, Throckmorton, TX, Tom Green, TX
Coke, TX
Kay Orr Ph:(325) 691-1814