Believing In Biblical Living & Education Academy (B.I.B.L.E.)
Membership fee and registration required.
A volunteer ran support group, all moms are asked to assist. Group sponsored field trips, play dates, activities, year books, parties, graduations, and co-op classes. Serving children age 4 through high school.
Serving: Frederick, Clark and Winchester areas
Neighboring Counties: Clarke, VA, Shenandoah, VA, Warren, VA, Berkeley, WV, Hampshire, WV, Hardy, WV, Morgan, WV, Winchester City, VA
Frederick, VA
Deya Hamilton Ph:(540) 535-0367
Bellevue Area Christian Homeschooler (BACH)
Support and fellowship!
BACH is a very active group with these regularly scheduled events: At our monthly support meetings we have a lending library, BACH Swap- (a garage sale without money's exchanged,) social time, special interest groups and guest speakers. Two times a month we have BACH Coop, Charlotte Mason Day, Konos coop, Gym and Swim and field trips. Once each month: 4-H, Jr. High and Sr. High activities. There are 5 special event activities each year. Summer time regular activities are park day and swimming at Beaver Lake once a week.
Meeting: Monthly field trips, play dates, parties, an enrichment co-op which meets 12 times each year.
Serving: Bellevue, Omaha, Avery, La Vista, Richfield, Chalco, Springfield, Gretna, Papillion, Linoma Beach and surrounding communities.
Neighboring Counties: Mills, IA, Pottawattamie, IA, Cass, NE, Douglas, NE, Saunders, NE
Sarpy, NE
Roma Jean Backhuus
Bellevue Offutt Homeschool Group (BOHG)
Developing minds, nurturing spirits!
Bellevue/Offutt Homeschool Group is open to all home schooling families who live in and around Bellevue. Through this group you can find out what's going on around the Omaha Metro area, as well as learn information about field trips, co-op classes, our curriculum lending library, Mom's Night Out, our various special interest groups, and our monthly meetings.
Meeting: Monthly meetings in the Bellevue area.
Serving: Bellevue, Omaha, Ralston, Lane, Elkhorn, Venice, Waterloo, Debolt, Bennington, Skyline and surrounding areas
Neighboring Counties: Mills, IA, Pottawattamie, IA, Cass, NE, Dodge, NE, Douglas, NE, Sarpy, NE, Saunders, NE, Washington, NE
Douglas, NE
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Bellevue Offutt Homeschool Group (BOHG)
Developing minds, nurturing spirits!
Bellevue/Offutt Homeschool Group is open to all home schooling families who live in and around Bellevue. Through this group you can find out what's going on around the Omaha Metro area, as well as learn information about field trips, co-op classes, our curriculum lending library, Mom's Night Out, our various special interest groups, and our monthly meetings.
Meeting: Monthly meetings in the Bellevue area.
Serving: Bellevue, Avery, Gilmore, Beacon View, Capehart, Rumsey, Richfield, Springfield, Gretna, Fort Crook and surrounding areas
Neighboring Counties: Mills, IA, Pottawattamie, IA, Cass, NE, Dodge, NE, Douglas, NE, Sarpy, NE, Saunders, NE, Washington, NE
Sarpy, NE
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Bemidji Area Homeschool Association (BAHA)
All area homeschoolers are welcome!
No membership fees - all parents encouraged to participate in group programming. Free email newsletter & directory of members, year-round gym times for pre-K thru high school, monthly science activities, field trips, coop classes and parent support.
Meeting: Check Calendar of Events
22221 Rogholt Rd. NE, Cass Lake, MN 56633
Serving: Bemidji, Cass Lake, Kabekona, Lake George, Laporte, Bagley, Tenstrike, Blackduck, Turtle River, Wilton and surrounding areas.
Neighboring Counties: Aitkin, MN, Becker, MN, Beltrami, MN, Cass, MN, Clearwater, MN, Crow Wing, MN, Hubbard, MN, Itasca, MN, Koochiching, MN, Lake of the Woods, MN, Mahnomen, MN, Marshall, MN, Morrison, MN, Pennington, MN, Polk, MN, Roseau, MN, Todd, MN, Wadena, MN
Beltrami, MN
Linda Simonson Ph:(218) 987-2251
Bemidji Area Homeschool Association (BAHA)
All area homeschoolers are welcome!
No membership fees - all parents encouraged to participate in group programming. Free email newsletter & directory of members, year-round gym times for pre-K thru high school, monthly science activities, field trips, coop classes and parent support.
Meeting: Check Calendar of Events
22221 Rogholt Rd. NE, Cass Lake, MN 56633
Serving: Bemidji, Cass Lake, Kabekona, Lake George, Backus, Laporte, Bagley, Blackduck, Chickamaw Beach, Federal Dam, Hackensack and surrounding areas.
Neighboring Counties: Aitkin, MN, Becker, MN, Beltrami, MN, Cass, MN, Clearwater, MN, Crow Wing, MN, Hubbard, MN, Itasca, MN, Koochiching, MN, Lake of the Woods, MN, Mahnomen, MN, Marshall, MN, Morrison, MN, Pennington, MN, Polk, MN, Roseau, MN, Todd, MN, Wadena, MN
Cass, MN
Linda Simonson Ph:(218) 987-2251
Bemidji Area Homeschool Association (BAHA)
All area homeschoolers are welcome!
No membership fees - all parents encouraged to participate in group programming. Free email newsletter & directory of members, year-round gym times for pre-K thru high school, monthly science activities, field trips, coop classes and parent support.
Meeting: Check Calendar of Events
22221 Rogholt Rd. NE, Cass Lake, MN 56633
Serving: Bemidji, Cass Lake, Kabekona, Lake George, Laporte, Bagley, Blackduck and surrounding areas.
Neighboring Counties: Aitkin, MN, Becker, MN, Beltrami, MN, Cass, MN, Clearwater, MN, Crow Wing, MN, Hubbard, MN, Itasca, MN, Koochiching, MN, Lake of the Woods, MN, Mahnomen, MN, Marshall, MN, Morrison, MN, Pennington, MN, Polk, MN, Roseau, MN, Todd, MN, Wadena, MN
Clearwater, MN
Linda Simonson Ph:(218) 987-2251
Bemidji Area Homeschool Association (BAHA)
All area homeschoolers are welcome!
No membership fees - all parents encouraged to participate in group programming. Free email newsletter & directory of members, year-round gym times for pre-K thru high school, monthly science activities, field trips, coop classes and parent support.
Meeting: Check Calendar of Events
22221 Rogholt Rd. NE, Cass Lake, MN 56633
Serving: Bemidji, Cass Lake, Kabekona, Lake George, Laporte, Bagley, Blackduck and surrounding areas.
Neighboring Counties: Aitkin, MN, Becker, MN, Beltrami, MN, Cass, MN, Clearwater, MN, Crow Wing, MN, Hubbard, MN, Itasca, MN, Koochiching, MN, Lake of the Woods, MN, Mahnomen, MN, Marshall, MN, Morrison, MN, Pennington, MN, Polk, MN, Roseau, MN, Todd, MN, Wadena, MN
Hubbard, MN
Linda Simonson Ph:(218) 987-2251
Benton County Homeschool in Action (BCHIA)
Live, Laugh, Love, Learn!
BCHIA is a secular, loosely structured, inclusive homeschool support group for active homeschoolers. We warmly welcome families of diverse backgrounds and beliefs. We are mindful and respectful that homeschoolers come from all backgrounds, religions, and cultures. Our homeschooling focus is social and educational in nature. We embrace our diversity and are bound together by the common goal of giving our children the best homeschooling experience possible.
Meeting: Meet regularly with the emphasis on providing social, fun experiences in a positive environment.
Serving: Avoca, Bentonville, Cave Springs, Decatur, Gentry, Highfill, Little Flock, Pea Ridge, Rogers, Siloam Springs, Sulfur Springs, and surrounding communities.
Neighboring Counties: Carroll, AR, Madison, AR, Washington, AR, McDonald, MO, Delaware, OK
Benton, AR
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Berkley Area Homeschoolers
An Uplifting Homeschooling Group!
We are an informal group of homeschoolers. While we don't have organized monthly meetings we do set up field trips, classes, play dates, and informal times to get together
and compare notes! We don't promote a particular style or philosophy of schooling and want to maintain a group that is inclusive, encouraging, uplifting, and nurturing to every
group member.
Serving: Berkley, Taunton, Fall River, Somerset, Dighton, Lakeside, Attleboro, New Bedford, Eastondale, Briggs Corner, Norton, Westville, North Dartmouth, Camp Merriwood, and surrounding communities.
Neighboring Counties: Norfolk, MA, Plymouth, MA, Providence, RI
Bristol, MA
Tina Shorey Ph:(508) 821-9669
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