Listing Local Homeschool Support Groups in the area of Troup, Georgia (GA)


West Central GA Homeschoolers

Bringing homeschoolers together!

The purpose of GA-hs is to involve more homeschoolers in activities that they may not otherwise hear about, and to share local resources, field trip ideas, educational opportunities in our various communities, news of upcoming seminars, classes offered, study groups, curriculum sales, and to advertise for existing homeschool support groups in the West Central area of GA. All homeschoolers in the West Central area of Georgia are invited and welcome to join.

Meeting: GA-hs meets online for homeschool discussion.

Serving: LaGrange, Pyne, Hillcrest, Whitfield, Louise, and surrounding communities.

Neighboring Counties: Chambers, AL, Lee, AL, Randolph, AL, Russell, AL, Chattahoochee, GA, Coweta, GA, Harris, GA, Heard, GA, Marion, GA, Meriwether, GA, Muscogee, GA, Talbot, GA, Troup, GA

Troup, GA


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Corinth Homeschool Group

Corinth Homeschool Group is a loosely organized group for the purpose of giving support and encouragement, information and socialism for the homeschool families in the area. There are no dues just participation required. Join us for play dates, field trips, and get togethers.

Meeting: Hogansville area.

Serving: Corinth, Franklin, Roopeville, Luthersville, Newnan

Neighboring Counties: Chambers, AL, Randolph, AL, Carroll, GA, Coweta, GA, Douglas, GA, Fayette, GA, Fulton, GA, Harris, GA, Heard, GA, Meriwether, GA, Pike, GA, Spalding, GA, Talbot, GA, Troup, GA, Upson, GA

Troup, GA

Jennifer Brewer
Ph:(706) 637-4954


More Information


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If you have questions or comments please email Annette M. Hall.

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