Listing Local Homeschool Support Groups in the area of Travis, Texas (TX)


Austin Area Homeschoolers

Promoting families not views!

Austin Area Homeschoolers is a network of families who homeschool or are exploring the possibility. We are an inclusive group composed of individuals who are willing to share their homeschooling experiences. Each person speaks only to his or her individual experience. We respect each family's educational choices. We do not charge dues, and there are no special requirements for homeschoolers to participate.

Serving: West Lake Hills, Rollingwood, Sunset Valley, Austin, South Lamar, Govalle, and surrounding areas.

Neighboring Counties: Bastrop, TX, Blanco, TX, Burnet, TX, Caldwell, TX, Hays, TX, Williamson, TX

Travis, TX


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The Ridge @ Steed's Crossing Christian Homeschool Support Group

TR@SCCHSSG supports new and veteran homeschoolers

TR@SCCHSSG hosts the teach a teacher program. This program allows one teacher to teach another so that you can then teach your child yourself. We do not co-op our children to outside classes. We believe it is our duty to follow God's command to "diligently teach our children". Cost: $25.00 annual membership fee, which covers the cost of making copies for our monthly discussions and activities.

Meeting: The last Friday each month at 7pm, 1402 Saint Leger Street, Pflugerville, TX

1402 Saint Leger Street, Pflugerville, TX 78660

Serving: The Homeowner's of The Ridge @ Steed's Crossing Only

Neighboring Counties: Bastrop, TX, Blanco, TX, Burnet, TX, Caldwell, TX, Hays, TX, Williamson, TX

Travis, TX

Nancy Stornes
Ph:(512) 653-0649


EAGLES Homeschool Group
(Educating Aiming Glorifying Leading Enriching Serving)

Educating, Aiming, Glorifying, Leading, Enriching, Serving

EAGLE offers parent lead classes, field trips, park/rec day, mom's fellowship as well as special academic and social activities for the kids. Our aim and purpose is to train and teach our children about God and the world He created.

Serving: Cedar Park, Leander, Lago Vista, Jonestown and Liberty Hill

Neighboring Counties: Bastrop, TX, Bell, TX, Blanco, TX, Burnet, TX, Caldwell, TX, Hays, TX, Lee, TX, Milam, TX, Travis, TX, Williamson, TX

Travis, TX



Passionate About Teaching Christ-Centered Homeschool

Join us for fun and fellowship!

Here at PATCH our goal is to have a group of like minded homeschool families that are Passionate About Teaching Christ-Centered Homeschool. We seek to encourage and motivate one another by provide activities, field trips, and meetings that are Christ-centered and family-friendly! We meet monthly for Mom's Night Out, and have weekly park days that are open to the whole family. For our children we have park play days, monthly feild trips and offer other activities as the opportunity presents itself. We encourage dad's to be as involved as they can.

Meeting: Activities are held in the South Austin area.

Serving: Austin, Sunset Valleny, Pleasant Valley, Del Valle, Govalle and surround areas.

Neighboring Counties: Bastrop, TX, Bell, TX, Blanco, TX, Burnet, TX, Caldwell, TX, Hays, TX, Lampasas, TX, Llano, TX, San Saba, TX, Travis, TX, Williamson, TX

Travis, TX

Kimberly Jacobi


Lake Travis Homeschoolers

All are welcome!

As a group, we participate in numerous activities including Park Days, a Mom's Night Out, Book Clubs/Book Swaps, Parties, Service Projects, Library Days, Academic Co-Ops, Sports Co-Ops, and Field Trips. The Lake Travis Homeschoolers group is non-denominational. All are welcome.

Meeting: Wednesday Park Days (during the school year), 1pm - 4pm, at Lakeway City Park. Mother's Night Out, last Thursday of every month. (Location varies.)

Serving: Lake Travis area of Texas including Apache Shores, Bee Cave, Bee Creek, Briarcliff, Cardinal Hills, Hamilton Pool, Hudson Bend, Lake Pointe, Lakeway, Spicewood, Steiner Ranch, and The Hills areas.

Neighboring Counties: Bastrop, TX, Blanco, TX, Burnet, TX, Caldwell, TX, Hays, TX, Williamson, TX

Travis, TX

Mary Shrader

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Austin Christian Fellowship School

Austin Christian Fellowship School serves families in the east Travis County area. Call for details.

Rt 5 Box 160V, Elgin, TX 78621

Serving: Travis County, Manor, Elgin, Bastrop, and the surrounding areas.

Neighboring Counties: Bastrop, TX, Blanco, TX, Burnet, TX, Caldwell, TX, Colorado, TX, Fayette, TX, Fort Bend, TX, Gonzales, TX, Hays, TX, Lee, TX, Travis, TX, Waller, TX, Washington, TX, Wharton, TX, Williamson, TX

Travis, TX

Agnes Neusch
Ph:(512) 276-7625



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If you have questions or comments please email Annette M. Hall.

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