Listing Local Homeschool Support Groups in the area of Sullivan, Tennessee (TN)


Bristol Homerschoolers Resource Board

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Welcome Bristol-Abingdon area homeschoolers! Please feel free to sign up and use our message board to discuss any aspect of homeschooling, buy and sell homeschool materials, send out prayer requests, etc.

Meeting: Second Tuesday of every month, 6:00 p.m., Bristol Public Library, Bristol, VA

Serving: Bristol, Friendship, Weaver, Kingsport, Bloomingdale, Arcadia, Harr, Woodrow and surrounding areas.

Neighboring Counties: Ashe, NC, Carter, TN, Greene, TN, Hawkins, TN, Johnson, TN, Sullivan, TN, Washington, TN, Grayson, VA, Russell, VA, Scott, VA, Smyth, VA, Washington, VA, Bristol City, VA

Sullivan, TN

Katherine Wilson-Thompson


Northeast Tennessee Home Education Association

Get Involved Today!

NETHEA is the Northeast Tennessee regional branch of THEA (Tennessee Home Education Association). We make every effort to bring educational services as close to each family's home as possible. NETHEA sponsors events such as the area high school graduation ceremonies, spring and fall camping trips, an academic fair, geography bees, a huge used curriculum fair in late spring, and more.

Meeting: Monthly Mom's Night Out at various locations.

277 Bob Ford Road, Jonesborough, TN 37659

Serving: Northeast Tennessee communities including: Washington, Greene, Sullivan, Johnson, Hawkins, Hancock, Unicoi, and Carter Counties.

Neighboring Counties: Ashe, NC, Avery, NC, Madison, NC, Mitchell, NC, Watauga, NC, Yancey, NC, Carter, TN, Claiborne, TN, Cocke, TN, Grainger, TN, Greene, TN, Hamblen, TN, Hancock, TN, Hawkins, TN, Johnson, TN, Sullivan, TN, Unicoi, TN, Washington, TN, Grayson, VA, Lee, VA, Scott, VA, Washington, VA, Bristol City, VA

Sullivan, TN

Sonya Haskins
Ph:(423) 676-9775



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If you have questions or comments please email Annette M. Hall.

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