Listing Local Homeschool Support Groups in the area of Sandusky, Ohio (OH)


Black Swamp Home Educators Association

Join BSHEA for fun and socialization.

The Black Swamp Home Educators Association Group exists to provide information, resources and support to home educators, their families, and those interested in home education; to co-ordinate educational and social opportunities in a co-operative, nurturing and multigenerational environment for adults, teens and children; and to promote an open and inclusive community for home educators to interact in an atmosphere of respect and dignity. We are not based on political or religous beliefs. Participation is open to anyone of any belief system, creed, race, gender, age, national origin, or educational philosophy or family type.

Serving: Northwest Ohio region: Wood, Lucas, Ottawa and Sandusky Counties. (Primarly Bowling Green and surrounding areas.)

Neighboring Counties: Lenawee, MI, Monroe, MI, Erie, OH, Fulton, OH, Hancock, OH, Henry, OH, Huron, OH, Lucas, OH, Ottawa, OH, Paulding, OH, Putnam, OH, Sandusky, OH, Seneca, OH, Wood, OH

Sandusky, OH

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If you have questions or comments please email Annette M. Hall.

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