Listing Local Homeschool Support Groups in the area of San_Bernardino, California (CA)


29 Palms Home Educators

Fun and learning for all ages!

We are a Christian centered homeschool (co-op) group. We, as homeschooling parents, agree to work together to provide educational enrichment activities & opportunities for our homeschooled children, ranging from pre-K - high school. We are not a private school or charter school with tutors. All of our classes & events are led by parent volunteers. Membership in the co-op requires that each semester every family lead a class or an event, or coordinate a field trip or other co-op related activity. The goal of the co-op is to enrich your current homeschool program.

Meeting: Group classes are held at the Palms Baptist Church (5285 Adobe Rd, 29 Palms) on most Fridays

Serving: Twenty-nine Palms, Sunfair, Joshua Tree, Yucca Valley, and surrounding communities.

Neighboring Counties: Mohave, AZ, Inyo, CA, Kern, CA, Los Angeles, CA, Orange, CA, Riverside, CA, Clark, NV

San Bernardino, CA


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Christian Home Educators of Ridgecrest

Find Homeschooling Information!

We are an inter-denominational group of Christian home educators pooling our resources to support and encourage one another. We also offer group classes, field trips, Mom's Night Out (once a month evening fellowship for mom's), park days, special interest activities, programs, family fellowship, etc. Membership in this yahoo group is restricted to active members of the support group.

Meeting: Activities and dates to be announced.

P. O. Box 426, Ridgecrest, CA 93555

Serving: Ridgecrest, Spangler and surrounding areas.

Neighboring Counties: Mohave, AZ, Fresno, CA, Inyo, CA, Kern, CA, Kings, CA, Los Angeles, CA, Mono, CA, Orange, CA, Riverside, CA, San Bernardino, CA, San Luis Obispo, CA, Tulare, CA, Ventura, CA, Clark, NV, Esmeralda, NV, Nye, NV

San Bernardino, CA

Carol Gardiner

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Homegrown Kids

Homeschool support and encouragement!

Do you homeschool in the Twentynine Palms area? Would you like to get together with other moms who do? We are a group of military and non-military homeschooling families who use a variety of curriculum and methods. We have park days, field trips, moms coffees and playdates!

Meeting: Group meets at Lucky Park Tuesdays 10:00 a.m.

Serving: Twentynine Palms, MCAGCC, Yucca Valley, Joshua Tree, military, 29 Palms, Morongo Basin and surrounding areas.

Neighboring Counties: Mohave, AZ, Inyo, CA, Kern, CA, Los Angeles, CA, Orange, CA, Riverside, CA, Clark, NV

San Bernardino, CA

Ph:(760) 865-0015

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Growing Palms Homeschool Group

29 Palms Homeschool Group

We are a group of home school families who have a weekly park day, monthly field trips, holiday parties, mom's night out, and many other fun things! We have children of all ages, military and non-military, and we all use a variety of different curriculum.

Meeting: Park Days each Friday, plus field trips and more

Serving: Twentynine Palms, 29 Palms, Joshua Tree, Yucca Valley and surrounding areas.

Neighboring Counties: Mohave, AZ, Inyo, CA, Kern, CA, Los Angeles, CA, Orange, CA, Riverside, CA, Clark, NV

San Bernardino, CA

Ph:(760) 910-9564

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Morongo Basin Fun-Schooling

Fun-schooling in the Morongo Basin!

We meet weekly for fun activities, field trips and community service projects in and around Joshua Tree and Yucca Valley. We are an inclusive group and strive to be sensitive to the diverse beliefs of our members.

Meeting: Locally each Tuesday.

Serving: Morongo Basin: Yucca Valley, Morongo Valley, Joshua Tree, Landers, Twentynine Palms and surrounding areas.

Neighboring Counties: Mohave, AZ, Inyo, CA, Kern, CA, Los Angeles, CA, Orange, CA, Riverside, CA, Clark, NV

San Bernardino, CA

Renee Wilcox
Ph:(760) 365-0743

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Inland Empire Catholic Homeschoolers

A place for family fun!

IECH is a place for families to share ideas, make new friends and find support in one another. Our members put together activities like field trips, park days, and random get-togethers.

Meeting: Co-op classes held at San Secondo d'Asti Church

Serving: Inland Empire, Orange County, LA County, High Desert, Low Desert and surround mountain areas.

Neighboring Counties: La Paz, AZ, Mohave, AZ, Imperial, CA, Inyo, CA, Kern, CA, Los Angeles, CA, Orange, CA, Riverside, CA, San Bernardino, CA, San Diego, CA, Ventura, CA, Clark, NV

San Bernardino, CA

Theresa The
Ph:(951) 808-0505

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Forest Family School

Mountain families invited!

This is a christian home school group for mountain community families. Join us for field trips, park days, play dates and other extra curricular activities. I would also like to invite everyone to volunteer their talents for some co-op days.

Meeting: TBA

Serving: Lake Arrowhead, Twin Peaks, Blue Jay, all RIM areas.

Neighboring Counties: Mohave, AZ, Inyo, CA, Kern, CA, Los Angeles, CA, Orange, CA, Riverside, CA, Clark, NV

San Bernardino, CA

Vanessa Mata

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Calvary Christian Academy

Come see what's happening in Mira Loma

Low cost ISP offering affidavit filing and cumulative file maintenance, curriculum assistance. Parent has complete freedom of teaching style and curriculum (or non-curriculum) choices. Field trips, nature study, park days. HSLDA membership required.

Meeting: Monthly field trips, nature study days and park day

5212 Sulphur Drive, Mira Loma, CA 91752

Serving: Mira Loma, Norco, Ontario, Corona, Riverside and surrounding areas

Neighboring Counties: La Paz, AZ, Mohave, AZ, Imperial, CA, Inyo, CA, Kern, CA, Los Angeles, CA, Orange, CA, Riverside, CA, San Bernardino, CA, San Diego, CA, Ventura, CA, Clark, NV

San Bernardino, CA

Nedra Patton
Ph:(951) 361-0438


Faith Academy of Lake Arrowhead

A Distinctive Christian Emphasis

We are a Christian ministry serving the inland and desert area of Southern California. Our ministry is to support the Christian family's effort to home school their children. Faith Academy provides support services that assists the home schooling family without imposing requirements that take time away from the teaching activity and the freedom to meet the student's needs.

232 Bret Harte Road, Lake Arrowhead, CA 92352

Serving: Lake Arrowhead, Cedar Glen, Twin Peaks, Crestline, Running, Springs, Lytle Creek, Highland, Rialto and the surrounding San Bernardino area.

Neighboring Counties: Mohave, AZ, Inyo, CA, Kern, CA, Los Angeles, CA, Orange, CA, Riverside, CA, San Bernardino, CA, Ventura, CA, Clark, NV

San Bernardino, CA

Bill and Breta Norton
Ph:(909) 337-9341
Fx:(909) 680-3180



Explore Unschooling!

There are small pockets of unschoolers here and there throughout Southern California, but there hasn't been an easy way to connect with each other. This group is for unschoolers and anyone else interested in the very simple, but very radical idea that life is learning and learning is life! SoCalUnschoolers is a place for sharing ideas and planning get togethers with other like-minded families.

Serving: Southern California homeschoolers in and around: Fontana, Doble, Manix, Skytop, Rancho Cucamonga, Rialto, Rice, Loma Linda, Klondike, Dunn, Archer, Big Bear Lake.

Neighboring Counties: La Paz, AZ, Mohave, AZ, Yuma, AZ, Imperial, CA, Inyo, CA, Kern, CA, Los Angeles, CA, Orange, CA, Riverside, CA, San Bernardino, CA, San Diego, CA, Santa Barbara, CA, Ventura, CA, Clark, NV

San Bernardino, CA


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If you have questions or comments please email Annette M. Hall.

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