KaiPod Learning
In-Person Learning Center for Homeschoolers
KaiPod Learning offers an in-person learning center designed specifically for homeschool learners (3rd-12th grade). Each child is matched with a peer group of 8-10 learners that come together in a professional environment to work on their coursework, participate in tailored enrichment activities, and collaborate with their peers - all supported by an experienced KaiPod Learning Coach.
There is no cost for this program as it is fully funded by the state. KaiPod Learning Dover and Manchester are open Monday - Friday, 8am - 3:30pm.
Serving: Manchester, Dover
Neighboring Counties: Essex, MA, Middlesex, MA, Worcester, MA, Belknap, NH, Carroll, NH, Cheshire, NH, Grafton, NH, Hillsborough, NH, Merrimack, NH, Rockingham, NH, Strafford, NH, Sullivan, NH
Rockingham, NH
Nicole Barreto Ph:(407) 729-0881
Eclectic Homeschoolers of NH (EHNH)
Networking in New Hampshire!
EHNH seeks to provide networking opportunities for homeschoolers in the Rockingham area. We welcome everyone regardless of race, religion, lifestyle, ability levels, socioeconomic status or learning style. We feel it is important for our children (and ourselves!!) to be able to have an outlet for fun and learning with people who value homeschooling as we do.
Meeting: Weekly schedule TBA
Serving: Rockingham County and surrounding areas.
Neighboring Counties: Essex, MA, Middlesex, MA, Worcester, MA, Belknap, NH, Carroll, NH, Cheshire, NH, Grafton, NH, Hillsborough, NH, Merrimack, NH, Rockingham, NH, Strafford, NH, Sullivan, NH
Rockingham, NH
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Inclusive Eclectic Secular
Seacoast Unschooling Network (SUN)
Living and Learning Without School!
We are a support group for unschooling and relaxed homeschooling families in the seacoast area of southern Maine and New Hampshire. We are inspired by the works of John Holt, and the idea that curiosity is innate and that learning is a natural, seamless part of life. We welcome those who are new to homeschooling or have young children and are exploring their options. SUN is a non-directed support group, which means that all activities are organized by individual families, who then invite others to join them.
Serving: Bald Head, Biddeford, Buffum Hill, Center Lebanon, East Eliot, Elms, Five Points, Long Beach, Ossipee Mills, Shapleigh, South Side, Tatnic, Tory Hill, Waterboro, and surrounding communities.
Neighboring Counties: Essex, MA, Middlesex, MA, Androscoggin, ME, Cumberland, ME, Oxford, ME, Sagadahoc, ME, York, ME, Hillsborough, NH, Merrimack, NH, Rockingham, NH, Strafford, NH
Rockingham, NH
Miriam Clyatt
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Rockingham County Support Group
A periodic newsletter is distributed free via e-mail to group members.
Meeting: Regular, informal gatherings are planned and held throughout the year.
Serving: Derry, Windham, Salem and Rockingham county areas
Neighboring Counties: Essex, MA, Middlesex, MA, Hillsborough, NH, Merrimack, NH, Strafford, NH
Rockingham, NH
Jane Grady
Seacoast Homeschooling Connection (SHC)
The Seacoast Homeschooling Connection is a place for parents of structured homeschooled (or "school-at-home") children (ages 0 - 18) to share creative ideas for teaching and learning, share vendor recommendations, sell or trade used books, and participate in age appropriate playgroups and educational activity groups in the Seacoast NH area.
Meeting: An Online Support Group
Serving: Dover, Durham, Portsmouth, Rye, Greenland, Stratham, Exeter, Epping, Newfields, New Castle, Newington, North, Hampton, Hampton, Hampton Falls, and Seabrook areas.
Neighboring Counties: Essex, MA, Middlesex, MA, Belknap, NH, Carroll, NH, Hillsborough, NH, Merrimack, NH, Rockingham, NH, Strafford, NH
Rockingham, NH
Jennifer Fuller Ph:(603) 828-5524
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