Listing Local Homeschool Support Groups in the area of Riley, Kansas (KS)


Fort Riley Homeschool Group

Sharing Resources and Encouragement!

The Fort Riley Homeschool Group is a network of homeschoolers who are presently stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas. We exist to support one another in homeschooling by sharing resources and knowledge for a better homeschooling experience. Currently we offer various classes on Fridays, such as Art and Choir. We also organize field trips and fellowship gatherings.

232 W. Chestnut Street, Junction City, KS 66441

Serving: Fort Riley, Manhattan, Keats, Bala, Leonardville, Bluemont Hill, Zeandale and surrounding areas.

Neighboring Counties: Clay, KS, Dickinson, KS, Geary, KS, Marion, KS, Marshall, KS, McPherson, KS, Morris, KS, Ottawa, KS, Pottawatomie, KS, Riley, KS, Saline, KS, Wabaunsee, KS, Washington, KS

Riley, KS

Aadel Bussinger
Ph:(785) 307-1585

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Manhattan Area Homeschooling Network

Our common bond is homeschooling.

Manhattan Area Homeschoolers Network (MAHN) is a secular, inclusive homeschooling group that supports families and encourages homeschooling in and around Manhattan, Kansas. MAHN values diversity and requests participants be considerate to all people and faiths. Most of our meetings are social in nature, although members are encouraged to share their skills through classes, activities, and organized field trips.

Meeting: We are a newly formed group and our meeting times are to be scheduled. Please contact the contact person for more information

Serving: Manhattan and surrounding communities

Neighboring Counties: Clay, KS, Geary, KS, Marshall, KS, Pottawatomie, KS, Wabaunsee, KS, Washington, KS

Riley, KS


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If you have questions or comments please email Annette M. Hall.

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