Listing Local Homeschool Support Groups in the area of Richland, Louisiana (LA)


Bayou Homeschoolers

An inclusive homeschool group.

Bayou Homeschoolers supports families who educate their children at home. Our goal is to enrich one another through shared group experiences within a Christian atmosphere. We are not affiliated with any denomination or church. We do not have a statement of faith, but we do expect members to treat others with respect. No membership fee, or application. Bayou Homeschoolers is a 100% volunteer ran group. All parents work together to provide activities for the group.

429 Bud Smith Rd., Monroe, LA 71202

Serving: Monroe, Rayville, Delhi, Start, Archibald, Sacksonia, Crew Lake, Mangham, Alto, Bardel, Gilleyville and surrounding communities.

Neighboring Counties: Bienville, LA, Caldwell, LA, Claiborne, LA, East Carroll, LA, Franklin, LA, Jackson, LA, Lincoln, LA, Madison, LA, Morehouse, LA, Ouachita, LA, Richland, LA, Union, LA, West Carroll, LA

Richland, LA

Kayla Miller
Ph:(318) 267-5826

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Northeast Louisiana Christian Homeschool Association

Statement of Faith required.

NELCHA offers homeschool co-ops in Monroe and West Monroe. NELCHA parents work together to provide homeschooling opportunities including: bowling, Family Fun Night, roller skating, Girl Scouts, Speech & Debate Club, basketball, choir, 4-H and more.

Meeting: Second Thursday of every month, 1-3 pm Skate Town of West Monroe.

617 Northwood Drive, West Monroe, LA 71291

Serving: Monroe, West Monroe, Alto, Archibald, Bee Bayou, Crew Lake, Rayville, Jonesburg and surrounding communities.

Neighboring Counties: Ashley, AR, Carroll, AR, Union, AR, Caldwell, LA, Claiborne, LA, East Carroll, LA, Franklin, LA, Jackson, LA, Lincoln, LA, Madison, LA, Morehouse, LA, Ouachita, LA, Richland, LA, Union, LA, West Carroll, LA

Richland, LA

Buck & Juliann McCann
Ph:(318) 397-4861

Carrie Spence



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If you have questions or comments please email Annette M. Hall.

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