Listing Local Homeschool Support Groups in the area of Ramsey, Minnesota (MN)


Minnesota Homeschool Adventures

Plenty of activity!

Minnesota Homeschool Adventures is a non-sectarian group for homeschooling families to arrange field trips to places and events around the Twin Cities area. Anyone can suggest or plan a field trip, and those who are interested can discuss the details.

Serving: Minneapolis, Roseville, Columbia Heights, Arden Hills, Vadnais Heights, Little Canada, St. Paul, White Bear Lake, Maple Wood, Woodbury, Newport, Mendota, Richfield, Edina, Hopkins, Golden Valley, and surrounding commuities.

Neighboring Counties: Anoka, MN, Dakota, MN, Hennepin, MN, Washington, MN

Ramsey, MN

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Homeschoolers Offering Prayer and Encouragement

Something for everyone!

HOPE offers a monthly, parent-only support group, as well as social and academic enrichment opportunities for the children. All families are welcome to join.

Serving: Minneapolis, Minnetonka, Eden Prairie, Roseville, Wayzata, Excelsior, and surrounding communities.

Neighboring Counties: Anoka, MN, Dakota, MN, Hennepin, MN, Washington, MN

Ramsey, MN

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Family Hiking and Nature Study Group

Come join us outside!

Love hiking and spend time outdoors? Family Hiking and Nature Study Group meets each week for a hike at local metro locations. During and after the hike we will engage in other activities, anything from simply gathering nature craft material, to fire-making and primitive shelter building. We may also meet for other activities outside of scheduled hikes, such as book discussion circles, (on any nature-related topics).

Meeting: Tuesdays at 11 a.m. at rotating locations.

Serving: St. Paul, Minneapolis, Mendota Heights, Eden Prairie, Minnetonka, Roseville, Mapleview, Woodbuy, Burnsville, and surrounding communities.

Neighboring Counties: Anoka, MN, Dakota, MN, Hennepin, MN, Washington, MN

Ramsey, MN

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Twin Cities South Liberal Homeschoolers

Homeschooling Liberals!

TCSLHS is a group of home educating families who are moderate to liberal on the political spectrum. This is a place to meet like-minded families and informally arrange get-togethers and playdates. We are an very unstructured group, with no official meetings or member tasks.

Serving: The south Minneapolis and southwest St.Paul areas and surrounding communities.

Neighboring Counties: Anoka, MN, Dakota, MN, Hennepin, MN, Washington, MN

Ramsey, MN

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Twin City Connection Homeschool Group
(TCCH Group)

Active, Fun & Welcoming

Our group consists of homeschooling families practicing a variety of schooling methods. Some of us have been homeschooling for a long time, others are just getting started. Twin City Connection Homeschool Group is very active, meeting at least once a week during the school year. We plan field trips, play dates, science days, art history days as well as mom's night out. The age range of our group is 0-12 years old. Older siblings are welcome. Events are all-age appropriate. The summer is a bit more relaxed with weekly park play dates filling our vacation months. Our group is fluid and ever changing to best suit the needs of its members.

Meeting: Group meets Friday's 1:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. in the Minneapolis area.

Serving: St. Paul, Roseville, Arden Hills, Bald Eagle, White Bear Lake, Vadnais Heights, Shoreview, North Oaks, Gem Lake, Falcon Heights, Highwood, Hazel Park, Mounds View and surrounding areas.

Neighboring Counties: Anoka, MN, Carver, MN, Dakota, MN, Hennepin, MN, Ramsey, MN, Scott, MN, Sherburne, MN, Washington, MN, Wright, MN

Ramsey, MN

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East Metro Eclectics

Monthly calendar of events available E-list members.

Homeschooling parents are invited to participate if you are looking for a social group for yourself and your homeschooling children and would like to associate with families who have eclectic homeschool approaches and diverse faiths. We offer park days, occasional field trips, a parents night out and a planning meeting every month.

Serving: North and East suburbs of St. Paul (Ramsey and Washington Counties)

Neighboring Counties: Anoka, MN, Chisago, MN, Dakota, MN, Hennepin, MN, Ramsey, MN, Washington, MN, Pierce, WI, Polk, WI, St. Croix, WI

Ramsey, MN

Amy Leinen
Ph:(651) 552-0753

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If you have questions or comments please email Annette M. Hall.

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