Listing Local Homeschool Support Groups in the area of Providence, Rhode Island (RI)


LEAF Home Learners Network

Learning Enrichment Active Fellowship!

The LEAF network provides participating families with the opportunity to share resources and talents, field trips and events, learning enrichment opportunities, park and beach days, and overall fellowship with others. LEAF is informal, all-inclusive and participant-directed. Every family in the network is a fully contributing partner in the network.

Meeting: An online only support group and information network.

Serving: Woonsocket, Cumberland, Branch Village, Slatersville, Foster, Forestdale, Albion, Primrose, Oakland and surrounding communities.

Providence, RI




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Attleboro Homeschool Network

Something for all ages!

Attleboro Homeschool Network is a list for people who homeschool or are thinking of homeschooling in the Attleboro area. We like to exchange ideas and support each other! Give links for school stuff! Talk about scripture, God, church, parents, kids, home cleaning, lessons and curriculum, on-line courses, and web sites.

Meeting: An online group only.

Serving: Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Cumberland, Attleboro, North Attleboro, South Attleboro, Attleboro Falls, Plainville, Rehoboth, Seekonk, Norton, Taunton, Wrentham, Franklin and surrounding areas.

Neighboring Counties: Windham, CT, Bristol, MA, Norfolk, MA, Plymouth, MA, Worcester, MA, Bristol, RI, Kent, RI, Providence, RI

Providence, RI

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If you have questions or comments please email Annette M. Hall.

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