Listing Local Homeschool Support Groups in the area of Plymouth, Massachusetts (MA)


Coastal Free Learners

Extremely busy doing important things!

Membership is free and open to families of all backgrounds and philosophies seeking opportunities for positive socialization within a diverse community. Find support and fellowship among local homeschoolers as we share information, resources and encouragement with one another. We seek to create a positive social environment in which our children can play, learn, establish lasting relationships, and develop a true sense of community-belonging.

Serving: Cape Cod and the South Shore of Massachusetts

Plymouth, MA


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Southcoast Homeschoolers

We are not politically or religiously affiliated. Our purpose is to provide support for homeschooling families in the form of meetings, field trips, classes, and events.

Serving: New Bedford, with members as far east as Wareham, MA and as far west as Tiverton, RI.

Plymouth, MA

Jessica Smith



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If you have questions or comments please email Annette M. Hall.

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