Listing Local Homeschool Support Groups in the area of Perry, Mississippi (MS)


Christian Home Educators of Hattiesburg

Encouraging each other!

CHEH support group offers: Parent meetings, field trips, HSLDA discount, MHEA Spring Conference, park days, Mom's Night Out, youth loop with high school events, graduation ceremonies, Thanksgiving feast, talent show, annual caroling and skating party, Geography Bee, Spelling Bee, ministry prayer team, end of year picnic and much more.

Meeting: Park Days first and third Fridays, join us.

P.O. Box 17862, Hattiesburg, MS 39404-7862

Serving: Beaumont, New Augusta, Richton, Barbara, Indian Springs, Little Creek, McSwain, Belleville and surrounding areas.

Neighboring Counties: St. Tammany, LA, Washington, LA, Covington, MS, Forrest, MS, George, MS, Greene, MS, Hancock, MS, Harrison, MS, Jackson, MS, Jefferson Davis, MS, Jones, MS, Lamar, MS, Marion, MS, Pearl River, MS, Perry, MS, Simpson, MS, Smith, MS, Stone, MS, Wayne, MS

Perry, MS

Greg & Phyllis Chancellor
Ph:(601) 818-6177



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If you have questions or comments please email Annette M. Hall.

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