Listing Local Homeschool Support Groups in the area of Ontonagon, Michigan (MI)


Copper Country Home Educators

Homeschoolers supporting one another!

CCHE is a nonprofit educational organization that provides networking for area homeschooling families primarily through conferences, organized activities, and newsletters. Publishes a periodic newsletter. Free sample available. Legal Information is available on their website.

Meeting: Regularly for: The chess club, the Keepers of the Faith group.

Newsletter Subscriptions - 13269 Covered Road, Atlantic Mine, MI 49905

Serving: Upper Peninsula - Houghton, South Range, Stambaugh, Crystal Falls, Powers, Gladstone, Crandon, Crivitz, Marinette and the surrounding areas.

Neighboring Counties: Baraga, MI, Dickinson, MI, Gogebic, MI, Houghton, MI, Iron, MI, Keweenaw, MI, Marquette, MI, Ontonagon, MI, Forest, WI

Ontonagon, MI

Ph:(906) 483-0498


Upper Peninsula

Yoopers Welcome!

This group is for any person who homeschools or unschools in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. No politics or religious discussion, but simply homeschool and unschool chatter. Posting any homeschool material for sale is allowed. Come join and support your fellow yooper families!

Meeting: An online group only.

Serving: Gwinn, Marquette, Calumet, Munising, Gladstone, Escanaba, Crandon, Marinette, Tomahawk, Butternut, Mellen, St. Ignace, Iron Mountain and the surrounding UP area.

Neighboring Counties: Alger, MI, Baraga, MI, Chippewa, MI, Delta, MI, Dickinson, MI, Gogebic, MI, Houghton, MI, Iron, MI, Luce, MI, Mackinac, MI, Marquette, MI, Ontonagon, MI, Schoolcraft, MI, Forest, WI, Iron, WI

Ontonagon, MI

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If you have questions or comments please email Annette M. Hall.

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