Listing Local Homeschool Support Groups in the area of New Madrid, Missouri (MO)


Sikeston Area Christian Homeschool Educators

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SACHE supports homeschooling families in and around Sikeston, MO. You'll find information about group meetings, field trips, park days, and other general information related to home schooling. Group members can expect many of the postings to reflect Christian perspectives on homeschooling and family life.

Meeting: Various meetings, park days, and field trips are held throughout the year.

Serving: Sikeston, New Madrid, Howardville, Matthews, Lilbourn, LaForge, Kewanee, Ristine, Canalou, Parma, Baderville, Risco and surrounding areas.

Neighboring Counties: Alexander, IL, Ballard, KY, Carlisle, KY, Fulton, KY, Hickman, KY, Cape Girardeau, MO, Dunklin, MO, Mississippi, MO, New Madrid, MO, Pemiscot, MO, Scott, MO, Stoddard, MO, Lake, TN

New Madrid, MO

Laryssa Krauss
Ph:(573) 683-1511

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Bootheel Area Homeschoolers

Homeschoolers in the Bootheel

BAH is a newly formed Homeschool Group in the bootheel area of Southeast Missouri. We currently are accepting applications from homeschool families in our immediate area that would like to get together for meetings and fellowship and possibly form a Home School Co-Op.

Meeting: TBA - Currently meeting online.

Serving: Southeast Missouri, Dexter, Malden, Bernie, Dudley,Fisk,Essex, Advance, Bloomfield,Brosley, Quilin and surrounding areas.

Neighboring Counties: Clay, AR, Craighead, AR, Greene, AR, Mississippi, AR, Alexander, IL, Fulton, KY, Bollinger, MO, Butler, MO, Cape Girardeau, MO, Carter, MO, Dunklin, MO, Mississippi, MO, New Madrid, MO, Pemiscot, MO, Ripley, MO, Scott, MO, Stoddard, MO, Wayne, MO, Dyer, TN, Lake, TN

New Madrid, MO

Nelda Tinker
Ph:(573) 421-3586

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Families for Home Education, Region 6 West

Missouri Lobbyists for Home Educators since 1983.

The primary purpose of this organization is to provide representation of the region in Jefferson City, with the Legislature. FHE's secondary purposes include informing new homeschoolers about state law, as well as providing contacts for regional support groups.

240 SE 1st Lane, Lamar, MO 64759

Serving: Springfield, Joplin, Carthage, Butler, Neosho, Branson, Nevada and Bolivar areas.

Neighboring Counties: Benton, AR, Boone, AR, Carroll, AR, Marion, AR, Crawford, KS, Linn, KS, Miami, KS, Barry, MO, Barton, MO, Bates, MO, Benton, MO, Camden, MO, Cass, MO, Cedar, MO, Christian, MO, Dade, MO, Dallas, MO, Douglas, MO, Greene, MO, Henry, MO, Hickory, MO, Jasper, MO, Johnson, MO, Lawrence, MO, McDonald, MO, Morgan, MO, Newton, MO, Ozark, MO, Pettis, MO, Polk, MO, St. Clair, MO, Stone, MO, Taney, MO, Vernon, MO, Webster, MO, Cherokee, OK, Delaware, OK, Ottawa, OK

Newton, MO

Bill Emmerling
Ph:(417) 682-3343

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