Yosemite Area Homeschoolers
PO Box 74, Midpines, CA 95345
Serving: Yosemite Valley, Mariposa county, Tuolumne county and surrounding areas.
Neighboring Counties: Alpine, CA, Calaveras, CA, Madera, CA, Mariposa, CA, Merced, CA, Mono, CA, Stanislaus, CA, Tuolumne, CA
Mariposa, CA
Pam Gingold Ph:(209) 742-6802
Merced Home Learners (MHL)
All Area Homeschoolers Welcome!
The Merced Home Learners is a FREE group that includes families in Charter Schools, Private Homeschools and Independent Homeschools. Any homeschool family is welcome! MHL provides opportunities for local P.E. activities, classes and field trips. We encourage members to share any school-related info, events, links, etc. that would be of interest to other families.
Meeting: Weekly events - see events calendar
Serving: Merced Central Valley area including: Merced, Atwater, Turlock, Mariposa, Madera, Modesto, Fresno, etc. and surrounding communities.
Neighboring Counties: Calaveras, CA, Fresno, CA, Inyo, CA, Kings, CA, Madera, CA, Mariposa, CA, Merced, CA, Mono, CA, Monterey, CA, San Benito, CA, San Joaquin, CA, San Luis Obispo, CA, Santa Clara, CA, Stanislaus, CA, Tulare, CA, Tuolumne, CA
Mariposa, CA
Join Yahoo Group
Special Needs Support Group
This is a support group for anyone who is homeschooling a child or children with special needs. We welcome anyone who is homeschooling children with special needs and is looking for support, as well as parents who have homeschooled children in the past and may have advice or support to
offer parents who have the unique challenge of homeschooling these special children. These meetings will be a very loosely structured time of fellowship and support, in a safe and non-judgemental environment, and may also offer guest speakers from time to time who have experience in homeschooling special needs children.
Meeting: Sunday evenings at 7:00 p.m. - Every 6-8 weeks in Ceres.
Serving: California Central Valley area, including but not limited to: Stanislaus county, Merced county, Mariposa county, Madera county, Tuolumne county.
Neighboring Counties: Alpine, CA, Calaveras, CA, Fresno, CA, Madera, CA, Mariposa, CA, Merced, CA, Mono, CA, San Benito, CA, San Joaquin, CA, San Luis Obispo, CA, Santa Clara, CA, Stanislaus, CA, Tuolumne, CA
Mariposa, CA
Carri Williams
Special Needs
Monthly Fun Days!
Join us for Fun Unit Studies each month!
Grades K-5 are invited to explore language arts, science, history, art,
and math within fun themes once a month for 5 weeks.
Monthly Themes:
Monday, January 8: It's COLD!
Monday, February 5: Mmm...Chocolate!
Monday, March 12: Money & more Money!
Monday, April 2: Eggs Galore!
Monday, May 7: The Great Outdoors!
Cost: $5 each child each class.
Meeting: First Tuesday each month in Ceres, 10am - 12pm.
Serving: Ceres and surrounding communities.
Neighboring Counties: Calaveras, CA, Fresno, CA, Madera, CA, Mariposa, CA, Merced, CA, San Benito, CA, San Joaquin, CA, San Luis Obispo, CA, Santa Clara, CA, Stanislaus, CA, Tuolumne, CA
Mariposa, CA
Julie Hilbert
Join Yahoo Group
Unit Study