Listing Local Homeschool Support Groups in the area of Macomb, Michigan (MI)


Faith Homeschoolers of Macomb

Where Friendships Are Developed!

Faith Homeschoolers of Macomb was created for those who want to instill Godly Character, Compassion and Conviction in our children. Join us for planned and informal playdates, educational events, field trips, local events, support and anything else your heart desires. This is a member lead group, so all are welcomed and encouraged to plan, participate and jump in as you feel lead to do. I pray this will be a place of warmth where friendships are developed or deepened. So, please make yourself at home.

Serving: Center Line, Memphis, Richmond, Romeo, Warren, Sterling Heights, Eastpointe, Armada, Mount Clemens, and surrounding area.

Neighboring Counties: Lapeer, MI, Oakland, MI, St. Clair, MI, Wayne, MI

Macomb, MI



Macomb County Homeschoolers

A very active group both online & offline where we can come find support, ask questions and even plan field trips, for those of us in Macomb County. Open to everyone in the surrounding areas. This group is support for families homeschooling, unschooling, or thinking about homeschooling. We are a very diverse group and ask that religion be kept offlist so that everyone feels welcome.

Serving: Macomb County and surrounding areas

Neighboring Counties: Lapeer, MI, Oakland, MI, St. Clair, MI, Wayne, MI

Macomb, MI

Lee Bartley


Michigan Unschoolers

Are you a radical unschooler?

Serving families in Michigan that Unschool, relaxed homeschoolers and families exploring the unschooling option. We discuss unschooling, share our unschooling experiences, ask questions or just explore the concept. It is understood that each family is at a different point in their journey and not everyone is a radical unschooler, some may be just exploring the idea. We strive to provide support and encouragement wherever each family is in their unschooling journey.

Meeting: An online group with occasional planned activies.

Serving: Tri-County area (Macomb, Oakland, Wayne).

Neighboring Counties: Genesee, MI, Lapeer, MI, Livingston, MI, Macomb, MI, Monroe, MI, Oakland, MI, St. Clair, MI, Washtenaw, MI, Wayne, MI

Macomb, MI

Join Yahoo Group


Macomb County Christian Homeschoolers

We are a FUN group of Michigan Christian Homeschooling parents and children.

There are no mandatory meetings and no membership fees. Our motto is "No Stress!" MCCH provides Wednesday Park Days, A Monthly Parent's Night Out, Mom's Night Out. Join us to share information and chat.

Meeting: Wednesday Park Days

Serving: Macomb County and the surrounding areas

Neighboring Counties: Lapeer, MI, Oakland, MI, St. Clair, MI, Wayne, MI

Macomb, MI

Shelly Mabe
Ph:(586) 524-3659



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If you have questions or comments please email Annette M. Hall.

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