Listing Local Homeschool Support Groups in the area of Litchfield, Connecticut (CT)


Litchfield County Christian Homeschool Association

Staying connected to help others!

L.C.C.H.A. has been serving the homeschooling community in northwestern Connecticut in a wide variety of ways since 1992. Our purpose is to support and encourage one another as we home educate our children and train them to love and serve the risen Lord, Jesus Christ. There are no membership fees. Benefits include: Local Directory of members, email distribution list, Membership card (good for discounts) and more...

Meeting: All members are encouraged to serve the Christian homeschool community by using their time and talents to bless, edify and encourage one another.

Serving: Bantam, Litchfield, Torrington, Drakeville, New Preston, Oakville, Thomaston, Watertown, Woodbury, and surrounding communities.

Neighboring Counties: Fairfield, CT, Hartford, CT, New Haven, CT, Berkshire, MA, Dutchess, NY

Litchfield, CT


Peggy Uzarski


Lighthouse Christian Homeschool Ministries

A group of Christian Homeschoolers serving the Northwest Corner of Connecticut.

Providing weekly meetings including, book clubs, field trips, fellowship, book clubs and mom's night out.

111 Riverton Rd. Unit 39, Winsted, CT 06098

Serving: Barkhamsted, Colebrook, Norfolk, New Hartford, Torrington, Harwinton and Winsted areas.

Neighboring Counties: Fairfield, CT, Hartford, CT, Litchfield, CT, Middlesex, CT, New Haven, CT, New London, CT, Tolland, CT, Berkshire, MA, Hampden, MA, Dutchess, NY

Litchfield, CT

Toni Sidoti
Ph:(860) 738-3618

Tina Stawicki



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If you have questions or comments please email Annette M. Hall.

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