Listing Local Homeschool Support Groups in the area of Levy, Florida (FL)


The Moms' Group

Character begins at home!

This is a moms-only monthly support group. Topics vary month-to-month. There are no membership dues or requirements. This is a popular, very encouraging group with no "cliques" and filled with mothers from many different churches and backgrounds who come together to encourage one another.

Meeting: The second Thursday night of each month at 7:00 p.m. through the school year. Off during the summer.

25467 S.W. First Avenue, Newberry, FL 32669

Serving: Andrews, Chiefland, Hardeetown, Bronson, Merediths and surrounding areas.

Neighboring Counties: Alachua, FL, Bradford, FL, Citrus, FL, Clay, FL, Columbia, FL, Miami-Dade, FL, Dixie, FL, Gilchrist, FL, Hamilton, FL, Lafayette, FL, Lake, FL, Levy, FL, Madison, FL, Marion, FL, Putnam, FL, Sumter, FL, Union, FL, Volusia, FL

Levy, FL

Mardy Freeman
Ph:(352) 472-7700

Alt. Contact
Ph:(352) 377-8111


Alachua Regional Catholic Home Schoolers

Catholic Home Schooling!

ARCHS provides religious education, "Fatima Cadets" and Teen Apologetics, the first Friday each month. Children's Holy Hour on the second Friday each month. Show and Tell is held on the third Friday. All field trips are scheduled the fourth Friday of every month. Additional activities added through the year include: Science Fair, Christmas party, plays etc. ARCHS has no membership fee, but donations are welcome.

Meeting: Group meets each Friday morning at St. Madeleine Catholic Church in High Springs, FL. We meet on third (3rd) Friday each month, for Mass at Holy Faith Catholic Church in Gainesville followed by picnic and play at Possum Creek park.

Hwy 441, High Springs

Serving: Bronson, Andrews, Chiefland, Merediths, Williston Highlands, Ellzey, Manatee Road, Gulf Hammock, Otter Creek, Hardeetown and surrounding communities.

Neighboring Counties: Alachua, FL, Baker, FL, Bradford, FL, Citrus, FL, Clay, FL, Columbia, FL, Dixie, FL, Flagler, FL, Gilchrist, FL, Lafayette, FL, Levy, FL, Marion, FL, Putnam, FL, St. Johns, FL, Suwannee, FL, Union, FL, Volusia, FL

Levy, FL

Christine Barr
Ph:(386) 454-2358

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North Florida Play Group

Come Join the Fun!

We are a new small group in Gilchrist, and surrounding counties. We are currently all homeschooling, but public school children are welcome. We try to meet biweekly for fun, and play.

Meeting: We try to meet biweekly for playgroup fun.

Serving: This is a playgroup for homeschool, and non homeschooled children. We are a small, newly formed group.

Neighboring Counties: Alachua, FL, Baker, FL, Bradford, FL, Citrus, FL, Clay, FL, Columbia, FL, Dixie, FL, Gilchrist, FL, Lafayette, FL, Levy, FL, Marion, FL, Putnam, FL, Suwannee, FL, Taylor, FL, Union, FL

Levy, FL


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Homeschooler's Health and Fitness

A healthy person is a happy person!

Focus on encouraging participants to learn about good nutrition, anatomy and physiology, the benefits of exercise, exercise safety and positve coping skills.

Meeting: Health and Fitness classes held in the Gainesville area.

Serving: Bronson, Merediths, Chiefland, Morriston, Otter Creek, Williston and surrounding areas.

Neighboring Counties: Alachua, FL, Baker, FL, Bradford, FL, Citrus, FL, Clay, FL, Columbia, FL, Dixie, FL, Gilchrist, FL, Hamilton, FL, Lafayette, FL, Levy, FL, Marion, FL, Suwannee, FL, Union, FL, Clinch, GA, Echols, GA

Levy, FL

Dawn-Elise Snipes


Orlando Home School Enrichments

Homeschoolers Supporting Homeschoolers

In addtion to weekly field trips, we offer coop classes.

Meeting: Monthly meetings and weekly field trips

1826 Bramblewood Drive, Orlando, FL 32818

Serving: Greater Orlando area

Neighboring Counties: Alachua, FL, Brevard, FL, Citrus, FL, Dixie, FL, Gilchrist, FL, Lake, FL, Marion, FL, Orange, FL, Osceola, FL, Polk, FL, Seminole, FL, Sumter, FL, Volusia, FL

Levy, FL

Portia Allen
Ph:(407) 445-5972



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If you have questions or comments please email Annette M. Hall.

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