Tri-State Homeschoolers
All homeschoolers are welcome!
We are an inclusive group with no formal membership requirements. Tri-State welcomes homeschoolers of all religions or none, homeschooling or unschooling styles. We are a group of families with the same goal of providing our children with a quality education and fun activities. We currently offer Project Day, THEME Homeschool Band, Roller Skating, Mom's Night Out, Science Club and more... We welcome anyone that would like to organize an activity.
Meeting: Primarily in the Huntington area of West Virginia.
3137 3rd Avenue, Huntington, OH 25702
Serving: West Virginia, Kentucky and Ohio Tri-State area, including: Bartles, Getaway, Glendale, Greasy Ridge, Pokadotte, Vernon, Willow Wood, Waterlook, Lecta, Deering and Cebee.
Neighboring Counties: Boyd, KY, Carter, KY, Greenup, KY, Lawrence, KY, Gallia, OH, Jackson, OH, Lawrence, OH, Scioto, OH, Boone, WV, Cabell, WV, Jackson, WV, Kanawha, WV, Lincoln, WV, Logan, WV, Mason, WV, Mingo, WV, Putnam, WV, Wayne, WV
Lawrence, OH
Melinda Vance Ph:(304) 972-6780
Education and Group Learning Enrichment (E.A.G.L.E.)
Bringing homeschoolers together!
All students from West Virginia, Ohio and Kentucky are welcome regardless of race, religion, gender, national origin, or homeschooling program. E.A.G.L.E. will offer a broad spectrum of Enrichment classes. We currently offer Project Day, Science Club, T.H.E.M.E. Band, Spanish Classes, 4H, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and many others all meeting on different days of the week, different times, and different places. We're spending more time away from homeschool than in homeschool! Wouldn't it be nice if all these things happened on the same day, in the same place?
Meeting: Registration begins for Classes in December. Classes start in January. Volunteer to teach a class!
Serving: Bradrick, Proctorville, Chesapeake, Rome and surrounding communities.
Neighboring Counties: Boyd, KY, Carter, KY, Elliott, KY, Johnson, KY, Lawrence, KY, Martin, KY, Morgan, KY, Gallia, OH, Jackson, OH, Lawrence, OH, Scioto, OH, Boone, WV, Cabell, WV, Jackson, WV, Kanawha, WV, Lincoln, WV, Logan, WV, Mason, WV, Mingo, WV, Putnam, WV, Wayne, WV
Lawrence, OH
Lynda Vance
Crystal Newman
More Information
Christian Home Educators Fellowship (CHEF)
CHEF seeks to draw members nearer to God, to our families and to one another in our home schooling adventure through a loving and supportive environment full of grace. Statement of faith required.
Meeting: Monthly in the Ashland, KY area.
Serving: Tri-State area surrounding Ashland, Ky. (KY, OH, WV)
Neighboring Counties: Boyd, KY, Carter, KY, Elliott, KY, Greenup, KY, Lawrence, KY, Lewis, KY, Rowan, KY, Adams, OH, Gallia, OH, Jackson, OH, Lawrence, OH, Pike, OH, Scioto, OH, Cabell, WV, Lincoln, WV, Mason, WV, Mingo, WV, Wayne, WV
Lawrence, OH
Teresa Coffee