Listing Local Homeschool Support Groups in the area of Lane, Oregon (OR)


Lane County Christian HomeSchool Group

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A community of Christian homeschooling families supporting each other online and in person. The lifeblood of our group is actual live events, get togethers and so on. The online forum is used for: Homeschool discussion of all kinds. Posting and planning activities like play dates, field trips, camping, teen events, workshops, classes, Mom's Night Out and our famous park days! We would love to have you! Membership is free.

Meeting: Group meets regularly (several times a week) in the Eugene area.

Serving: Eugene, Springfield, Creswell, Junction City, Harrisburg, Veneta, Elmira, Marcola, Thurston, Cottage Grove, Santa Clara, Goshen, Crow, Lorane, Coburg, Mckenzie and surrounding areas.

Neighboring Counties: Benton, OR, Deschutes, OR, Douglas, OR, Klamath, OR, Lincoln, OR, Linn, OR

Lane, OR


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To Excel At Christian Homeschooling

Support for your homeschooling adventure!

Our members support and encourage each other on their homeschooling adventures. We welcome all forms of homeschooling. We encourage all members to feel comfortable planning and facilitating co-ops, playgroups, etc. Feel free to share prayer requests, devotions, recipes, menus, local events, frugal and free ideas, curriculum and printables, parenting tips, etc.

Meeting: Parent led field trips, potlucks, playdates, classes, and projects from September through May. We meet for park days during the summer months.

Serving: Eugene, Springfield, Veneta, Crow, Marcola, and surrounding areas.

Neighboring Counties: Benton, OR, Deschutes, OR, Douglas, OR, Klamath, OR, Lincoln, OR, Linn, OR

Lane, OR


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Building Community in Homeschooling Throughout Lane County

Barnraisers was created as a way for Lane County Homeschoolers to stay connected. Membership is simple - all members host 2 activities a year, which can be as simple as hosting a play date at your house or planning a more elaborate field trip - it's up to you! This group is community-based, which means that it is community run. There is no single person or group of persons "in charge".

Serving: Eugene, Springfield, Junction City, Coburg, Cottage Grove, Veneta, Florence, and all Lane County homeschoolers.

Neighboring Counties: Benton, OR, Deschutes, OR, Douglas, OR, Klamath, OR, Lincoln, OR, Linn, OR

Lane, OR

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Eugene Area Unschoolers

Unschoolers with strong opinions!

This is an exclusive and secular group of unschoolers. Connecting, networking, discussion, activities, gatherings and event planning is encouraged. Acknowledging that there are families on varying locations of the unschooling spectrum, we are here to support each other on our unschooling paths. Enjoy your stay!

Serving: Eugene, Friendly, Amazon, Fairmount, Whiteaker, Western, Bethel Danebo, Autzen, Empire Park, Springfield, Glenwood, and surrounding communities.

Neighboring Counties: Benton, OR, Deschutes, OR, Douglas, OR, Klamath, OR, Lincoln, OR, Linn, OR

Lane, OR


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Eugene-Springfield Homeschool Association

Supporting homeschoolers in Oregon!

ESHA is an inclusive support resource for homeschoolers in greater Lane County. ESHA offers a monthly newsletter with articles about homeschooling, educational resources and places to visit. The purpose of ESHA is to help homeschooler connect and have help where help is needed in homeschooling.

Serving: Eugene, Springfield, Alma, Cheshire, Deadwood, Finn Rock, Greenleaf, London Springs, Oakridge, Santa Clara, Triangle Lake, Wendling, and surrounding communities.

Neighboring Counties: Benton, OR, Deschutes, OR, Douglas, OR, Klamath, OR, Lincoln, OR, Linn, OR

Lane, OR

Barbara L.M. Handley



Veneta Home Education Network

Supporting the homeschooling family!

VHEN is focused on building a strong Homeschool community throughout West Lane County by welcoming all homeschooling families regardless of race, religion or homeschooling style. This group is community-based. If you want to see something happen -- make it happen. Members agree to host just 2 activities a year. This can be as simple as a play date at your home to a more elaborate field trip. A newsletter listing activities open to all homeschoolers as well as other information is available at the Fern Ridge Library.

Meeting: To be announced.

Serving: West Eugene, Veneta, Elmira, Crow, Junction City, Santa Clara, Coburg, Crewswell, Cottage Grove, and surrounding areas.

Neighboring Counties: Benton, OR, Deschutes, OR, Douglas, OR, Klamath, OR, Lincoln, OR, Linn, OR

Lane, OR

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If you have questions or comments please email Annette M. Hall.

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