Listing Local Homeschool Support Groups in the area of King_and_Queen, Virginia (VA)


King's Home Educators

Fun and Fellowship!

KHE is a Christian support group of home school moms. We meet for field trips, co-op classes, and parties. Our name is derived from the names of the two counties and Christ our King. Our purpose is to provide a way for home educators to meet, fellowship, encourage, and share information with other homeschoolers in the area.

65 Hill Drive, Manquin, VA 23106

Serving: Little Plymouth, Truhart, Wakema, Allen Shop Corner, Manquin, Stevensville, Henleys Fork, Bruington, Walkerton and surrounding areas.

Neighboring Counties: Caroline, VA, Essex, VA, Gloucester, VA, Hanover, VA, James City, VA, King and Queen, VA, King William, VA, Middlesex, VA, New Kent, VA, Richmond, VA

King and Queen, VA

Amy Kobb
Ph:(804) 994-9211


Middle Peninsula Home School Association

Middle Peninsula's Homeschool Connection

We provide field trips, mom's meetings, parties, teen group, testing, lending library, community service, and support.

7259 Pear Tree Lane, Gloucester, VA 23061

Serving: Middlesex, Mathews, King and Queen and surrounding areas.

Neighboring Counties: Accomack, VA, Caroline, VA, Essex, VA, Gloucester, VA, James City, VA, King and Queen, VA, King William, VA, Lancaster, VA, Mathews, VA, Middlesex, VA, New Kent, VA, Northumberland, VA, Richmond, VA, York, VA

King and Queen, VA

Connie Shaffer
Ph:(804) 693-0641

Betsy White
Ph:(804) 693-9284



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If you have questions or comments please email Annette M. Hall.

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