Listing Local Homeschool Support Groups in the area of Kern, California (CA)


Christian Home Educators of Ridgecrest

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We are an inter-denominational group of Christian home educators pooling our resources to support and encourage one another. We also offer group classes, field trips, Mom's Night Out (once a month evening fellowship for mom's), park days, special interest activities, programs, family fellowship, etc. Membership in this yahoo group is restricted to active members of the support group.

Meeting: Activities and dates to be announced.

P. O. Box 426, Ridgecrest, CA 93555

Serving: Ridgecrest, Inyokern, California City, Mojave, China Lake, Johannesburg, Randsburg and surrounding areas.

Neighboring Counties: Mohave, AZ, Fresno, CA, Inyo, CA, Kern, CA, Kings, CA, Los Angeles, CA, Mono, CA, Orange, CA, Riverside, CA, San Bernardino, CA, San Luis Obispo, CA, Tulare, CA, Ventura, CA, Clark, NV, Esmeralda, NV, Nye, NV

Kern, CA

Carol Gardiner

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Tehachapi Homeschool Co-Op

We support all of our friends.

Tehachapi Homeschool Co-op is a support group for all homeschoolers in and around our area. Our members are from different religious groups and we are looking for members with the same beliefs as our multi-cultural group. The group holds park days, classes, and workshops. This is a member driven groups so all members are encouraged to participate.

Meeting: Meets weekly, weather permitting

Serving: Tehachapi, Bakersfield, Bear Valley, Stallion Springs, Mojave, Rosamond, California City, Edwards AFB, and surrounding communities.

Neighboring Counties: Inyo, CA, Kings, CA, Los Angeles, CA, San Luis Obispo, CA, Tulare, CA, Ventura, CA

Kern, CA

Debra Tangren

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Bakersfield Home Learners

Providing fellowship and fostering friendships.

BHL provides local info, occasional articles on homeschooling, legal news, hand-selected unit studies and topical links. Our basic purpose however, is to provide fellowship, foster friendships, refresh veterans and empower newbies! We do learning theme days, park days, parties, fieldtrips and co-op days together. Most events will be week-day mornings or early afternoons so we minimize conflict with daily lessons or 'afterschool' activities.

Meeting: Monthly

Serving: Bakersfield, Tulare, Kern and surrounding areas.

Neighboring Counties: Fresno, CA, Inyo, CA, Kern, CA, Kings, CA, Los Angeles, CA, San Luis Obispo, CA, Tulare, CA, Ventura, CA

Kern, CA


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Home Educators' Resource Center

Visit our Creation Library!

The Home Educators' Resource Center provides a library of loaned or donated educational resources and curriculum; Educational programs designed to motivate and to encourage home educators; A student newspaper written and published by home schooled students and activities such as: Chess Club, Creative Writing Club, and Ambassadors Club, and much more.

Meeting: Resources and meetings for various group activities are held on the campus of the Calvary Bible Church, 48 Manor Street in Room 204.

P.O. Box 1504, Bakersfield, CA 93302

Serving: Arvin, California City, Delano, Maricopa, McFarland, Ridgecrest, Shafter, Taft, Tehachapi, Wasco, and surrounding communities.

Neighboring Counties: Inyo, CA, Kings, CA, Los Angeles, CA, San Luis Obispo, CA, Tulare, CA, Ventura, CA

Kern, CA


Resource Center

EAFB Homeschoolers

Homeschooling is only limited by your imagination!

Our goal is to encourage an active homeschooling community for all Edwards AFB Homeschoolers. We currently provide field trips, PE, 'mom's night', and we sponsor an Adopt-A-Lot as a community activity. We hope we can provide a safe and secure resource and support system for your family.

Serving: Edwards Air Force Base in California, serving military and civilians associated with the base.

Neighboring Counties: Inyo, CA, Kern, CA, Kings, CA, Los Angeles, CA, Orange, CA, San Bernardino, CA, San Luis Obispo, CA, Tulare, CA, Ventura, CA

Kern, CA

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HeartnMynde Homeschool Support Group

Fellowship, book sharing and cups of tea.

Please come to share information and to form friendships with other Christian Homeshcoolers. We are advocates of independant homeschoolers, charter members are encouraged to join us.

Meeting: The last Friday of every month in and around Tehachapi area.

Serving: Tehachapi

Neighboring Counties: Inyo, CA, Kings, CA, Los Angeles, CA, San Luis Obispo, CA, Tulare, CA, Ventura, CA

Kern, CA

Christie Hegle
Ph:(661) 340-1661



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If you have questions or comments please email Annette M. Hall.

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