The Amazing R.A.C.E. (Running After Christ Everyday!)
Feel Alone No More!
As a homeschooling family in Jackson County, Indiana, we need to be a cloud of encouragement to each other. This could happen in a number of ways, monthly meetings, field trips, making friends, play dates and so much more. The important thing is that these are real life events!
Meeting: An online forum to keep in touch for "in real life" events! Meeting at Brownstown Church of Christ, date and time to be announced.
Serving: Seymour, Brownstown, Vallonia, Medora, Freetown, Suprise, and any other city or town in Jackson County!
Neighboring Counties: Bartholomew, IN, Brown, IN, Jennings, IN, Lawrence, IN, Monroe, IN, Scott, IN, Washington, IN
Jackson, IN
Lynna Weston Ph:(812) 358-0853
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South Central Indiana Home Educators (SCIHE)
Serving Christ in Home Education
SCIHE members are required to sign a Statement of Faith and pay a nominal annual fee to receive the newsletter and participate in planned group activities. We are committed to providing our children with a strong Christian foundation in addition to a quality education.
Meeting: Second Thursday of each month.
P.O. Box 1394, Columbus, IN 47202-1394
Serving: Columbus, Nashville, North Vernon, Seymour and the Greensburg area.
Neighboring Counties: Bartholomew, IN, Brown, IN, Decatur, IN, Franklin, IN, Jackson, IN, Jefferson, IN, Jennings, IN, Johnson, IN, Lawrence, IN, Monroe, IN, Morgan, IN, Ripley, IN, Rush, IN, Scott, IN, Shelby, IN, Washington, IN
Jackson, IN
Inclusive Christian
Hoosier Homeschool Network (HHN)
Bringing Homeschooling Families Together!
HHN is a homeschool support group open to homeschoolers in the Southern Indiana counties. We welcome families from all faiths and all educational methods. We desire to be a group that brings homeschooling families of different backgrounds, beliefs, and areas together where they can interact with other homeschooling families.
Meeting: Members of HHN participate in field trips, learning days, book clubs for students, parent's meetings, park days, holiday parties and more.
Serving: Brownstown, Crothersville, Kriete Corner, Little Acre, Medora, Seymour, Sparksville, Tampico, Wegan, and surrounding communities.
Neighboring Counties: Bartholomew, IN, Brown, IN, Clark, IN, Crawford, IN, Decatur, IN, Dubois, IN, Floyd, IN, Greene, IN, Harrison, IN, Jackson, IN, Jefferson, IN, Jennings, IN, Lawrence, IN, Martin, IN, Monroe, IN, Orange, IN, Perry, IN, Ripley, IN, Scott, IN, Washington, IN, Hardin, KY, Jefferson, KY, Meade, KY, Oldham, KY, Trimble, KY
Jackson, IN
Wendy Robbins
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Columbus Area Home Educators (CAHE)
Join our annual Knowledge Quest
Columbus Area Home Educators seeks to provide a network in order to share co-ops, classes, events, and activities in Bartholomew and surrounding counties. CAHE (pronounced Kay) is founded on Bible principles, our events are from a Christian worldview. CAHE is open to all home school families. We sponsor Mom's fellowships, field trips, a fall bonfire, and annual Knowledge Quest (year end program).
Meeting: An Online forum
Serving: Bartholomew and surrounding counties
Neighboring Counties: Bartholomew, IN, Brown, IN, Decatur, IN, Franklin, IN, Hancock, IN, Jackson, IN, Jefferson, IN, Jennings, IN, Johnson, IN, Lawrence, IN, Marion, IN, Monroe, IN, Morgan, IN, Ripley, IN, Rush, IN, Scott, IN, Shelby, IN, Washington, IN
Jackson, IN
CAHE Info.
Inclusive Christian