Listing Local Homeschool Support Groups in the area of Henderson, Texas (TX)


Freedom Homeschool

Freedom To Be Who You Are!

We're building a calender of fun activities such as arts and crafts and movie days. Our philosophy is based upon the concept of individuality and acceptance to all. Children of all ages welcome. Whether you're unschoolers, ecelectic learners or whatever this group is for you. We'll have park days when it warms up and arts/crafts, movies and board games this winter. While we have a few basic ideals in common such as mutual respect within members, there is no contract to sign and no dues to pay.

Meeting: Weekly Meetings In Seven Points. Parents and students will meet on Fridays each week at our house.

600 Lakeshore Drive, Seven Points, TX 75143

Serving: Seven Points, Gun Barrel City, Kemp, Maybank, Enchanted Oaks, Murchison, Star Harbor, Athens and Surrounding Areas of Cedar Creek Lake.

Neighboring Counties: Anderson, TX, Cherokee, TX, Ellis, TX, Freestone, TX, Kaufman, TX, Navarro, TX, Smith, TX, Van Zandt, TX

Henderson, TX

Nancy Austin
Ph:(903) 432-2414

Join Yahoo Group


Chandler Area Home Educators

Wonderful fellowship and support for Home Educators

Have you have been looking for a group that accepts your children no matter what their gifts and talents may be? Then you have come to the right place. At CAHE it is what is on the inside that counts; not the clothes you wear, the curriculum you use or the church you attend. If this is what you have been searching for in a home school group then please take some time to Check us out!

Meeting: Meetings vary

Serving: Athens, Brownsboro, Edom, Chandler, Tyler and surrounding areas.

Neighboring Counties: Anderson, TX, Cherokee, TX, Ellis, TX, Freestone, TX, Gregg, TX, Henderson, TX, Kaufman, TX, Navarro, TX, Rusk, TX, Smith, TX, Upshur, TX, Van Zandt, TX, Wood, TX

Henderson, TX

April Snider
Ph:(903) 849-3539


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If you have questions or comments please email Annette M. Hall.

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