Listing Local Homeschool Support Groups in the area of Guilford, North Carolina (NC)


Greensboro Home Educators

Founded on Biblical Principles!

GHE provides support, communication, fellowship, and educational experiences for our members and actively promote homeschooling as an attractive educational alternative. Our Monthly newsletter announces Mom's night out, field trips, social activities, and more! Statement of faith required.

Meeting: Quarterly informational meetings held at the Greensboro Public Library.

6504 Collonade Ct., Whitsett, NC 27377

Serving: Greensboro, High Point, Jamestown, Summerfield, Oak Ridge, McCleansville, Pleasant Garden and surrounding communities.

Neighboring Counties: Alamance, NC, Davidson, NC, Forsyth, NC, Randolph, NC, Rockingham, NC, Stokes, NC

Guilford, NC

Ph:(336) 332-7495


Triad Homeschoolers

The World is our Classroom!

Triad Homeschoolers is a support group for Homeschoolers from all walks of life. We are an active group and require active participation from members. You can find us enjoying park days, parties, field trips and we have also had educational classes to participate in.

Meeting: Planned activities most Tuesdays.

Serving: Greensboro, High Point, Kernersville, Colfax, Jamestown, Mcleansville, Oak Ridge, Winston Salem and surrounding North Carolina locations.

Neighboring Counties: Alamance, NC, Chatham, NC, Davidson, NC, Davie, NC, Forsyth, NC, Guilford, NC, Montgomery, NC, Moore, NC, Randolph, NC, Rockingham, NC, Rowan, NC, Stanly, NC, Stokes, NC, Surry, NC, Yadkin, NC

Guilford, NC

Jill Lockridge

Join Yahoo Group



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If you have questions or comments please email Annette M. Hall.

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