Listing Local Homeschool Support Groups in the area of Green, Kentucky (KY)


Taylor Educators and Christian Homeschoolers

1336 Old Spring Road, Greensburg, KY 42743

Serving: Greensurg, Taylor, Green and Adair county areas

Neighboring Counties: Adair, KY, Casey, KY, Cumberland, KY, Green, KY, Hart, KY, Larue, KY, Marion, KY, Metcalfe, KY, Russell, KY, Taylor, KY

Green, KY

Michelle Eastham
Ph:(270) 932-3268


Christian Home Educators Fellowship

CHEF seeks to draw members nearer to God, to our families and to one another in our home schooling adventure through a loving and supportive environment full of grace. Statement of faith required.

Meeting: Monthly in the Ashland, KY area.

Serving: Tri-State area surrounding Ashland, Ky. (KY, OH, WV)

Neighboring Counties: Boyd, KY, Carter, KY, Elliott, KY, Greenup, KY, Lawrence, KY, Lewis, KY, Rowan, KY, Adams, OH, Gallia, OH, Jackson, OH, Lawrence, OH, Pike, OH, Scioto, OH, Cabell, WV, Lincoln, WV, Mason, WV, Mingo, WV, Wayne, WV

Greenup, KY

Teresa Coffee


LaRue County Homeschoolers

Find a New Friend!

We welcome anyone that wishes to homeschool their children in LaRue County and the surrounding area regardless of learning styles, abilities or disabilities, races, ethic groups, and creeds. We welcome all with kindness, compassion and teach the same to our children. We host monthly gatherings, and a field trip every couple of months. Many of our field trips are theme related.

Meeting: Various homes and Larue county Extension Office

1745 Upton-Talley Road, Upton, KY 42784

Serving: Upton, Cub Run, Eve, Summersville, Greensburg, Lobb, Allendale, and Northern Green County.

Neighboring Counties: Harrison, IN, Adair, KY, Barren, KY, Breckinridge, KY, Bullitt, KY, Edmonson, KY, Grayson, KY, Green, KY, Hardin, KY, Hart, KY, Jefferson, KY, Larue, KY, Marion, KY, Meade, KY, Metcalfe, KY, Nelson, KY, Taylor, KY

Green, KY

Marsha Mckellep
Ph:(270) 319-6415

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If you have questions or comments please email Annette M. Hall.

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