Homeschool Organization for Midwest Educators (H.O.M.E.)
Connecting resources with home educators!
Connecting resources from families and community options together for the benefit of both. Meetings, activities, field trips, and information are offered as well as private members forum. Membership requirements are that at least one child is home educated according to the state laws of residence.
PO Box 1391, St. Joseph, MO 64502
Serving: St. Joseph, Union Star, Orchid, Amity, Stewartsville, Oak, Fordham, Maysville, Clarksdale, Winslow and surrounding areas.
Neighboring Counties: Page, IA, Taylor, IA, Atchison, KS, Doniphan, KS, Andrew, MO, Atchison, MO, Buchanan, MO, Caldwell, MO, Clay, MO, Clinton, MO, Daviess, MO, De Kalb, MO, Gentry, MO, Holt, MO, Nodaway, MO, Platte, MO, Ray, MO, Worth, MO
De Kalb, MO
Lesa Ph:(816) 233-3440
Families for Home Education (FHE)
Protecting Missouri home eduation!
FHE is made up of members, whose goal is to protect the right of the parents of Missouri to teach their own children without state regulation or control. At FHE, you are in control of your child's learning and curriculum. You know your child better than anyone else. Fit your homeschool to meet their needs. FHE represents and supports the rights of all home educators in the state and is not affiliated with any religious or political organization, or special interest group. We work to win support for home education among the general public and before lawmakers and public officials.
P.O. Box 742, Grandview, MO 64030
Serving: Joplin, Carthage, Spingfield, Ozark, West Plains, Popular Bluff, Farmington, Chesterfield, Columbia, Independence, Lee's Summit, Moberly, St. Joseph, Kirsville, and surrounding communities in the state of Missouri.
FHE Ph:(877) 696-6343
Political Inclusive
Missouri Association of Teaching Christian Homes (MATCH)
Educating Homeschool Families!
MATCH is organized for the purpose of providing service and support to home educators and support groups within Missouri. MATCH is helping to promote sound, high-quality home education programs for home educators for the purpose of developing Christ-like character, which will satisfy the spiritual, intellectual, physical, and emotional growth needs of their children.
Meeting: Weekly events and field trips. Various times and locations.
2203 Rhonda Drive, West Plains, MO 65775-1615
Serving: Springfield, Carthage, Lebanon, Kansas City, Warrensburg, Marshall, Moberly, St. Joseph, Kirksville, O'Fallon, St. Louis, Arnold, De Soto, Farmington, Ellington, Jackson, and surrounding
communities throughout the state of Missouri.
Missouri Christian Home Educators Fellowship (MO-CHEF)
Training Generations for God's Throne Room!
Believing that children are a gift from the Lord and that God commands parents to diligently teach their children, our mission is to encourage and equip families to fulfil God's commandment to train up godly children for His throne room. There is no fee to join. Missouri CHEF offers annual curriculum fair, high school/college accelerated distance learning conferences, a used book sale, a graduation ceremony, a spelling bee, a math Olympics, an art festival, and much more.
Serving: Maryville, Trenton, Kirksville, Macon, Moberly, Kansas City, Liberty, Warrensburg, Columbia, St. Louis, Chesterfield, O'Fallon, Rolla, Lebanon, Farmington, Joplin, Springfield, Ozark, West Plains, Poplar Bluff, and surrounding Missouri communities.
Jon & Candy Summers Ph:(314) 521-8487
Open Path Network
Homeschoolers together helping one another.
No religous connections. We are a network of caring homeschooling parents looking to help other parents find the open paths available for their children. Names of some of the descriptives used for our group are - Free learners, Child led, Unschoolers, life learners, natural children.
306 Palmer Street, Fulton, MO 65251
Serving: Callaway County and surrounding areas
Barbara Mullins Ph:(573) 642-4571
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Families for Home Education Region 6 East (FHE R6E)
Missouri Lobbyists for the Home Educator since 1983.
The purpose of FHE is to protect the inalienable right of parents in Missouri to teach their own children without state regulation and control.
240 SE 1st Lane, Lamar, MO 64759
Serving: Lebanon, Saint Roberts, Rolla, Dixon, Saint James, Cuba, Bourbon, Marshfield, Licking, Salem, Houston, Mountain Grove, Ava, Mountain View, Alton, West Plains and Gainesville areas
Neighboring Counties: Baxter, AR, Fulton, AR, Marion, AR, Randolph, AR, Benton, MO, Camden, MO, Carter, MO, Christian, MO, Cole, MO, Crawford, MO, Dallas, MO, Dent, MO, Douglas, MO, Gasconade, MO, Greene, MO, Henry, MO, Hickory, MO, Howell, MO, Iron, MO, Laclede, MO, Maries, MO, Miller, MO, Moniteau, MO, Morgan, MO, Oregon, MO, Osage, MO, Ozark, MO, Pettis, MO, Phelps, MO, Polk, MO, Pulaski, MO, Reynolds, MO, Ripley, MO, Shannon, MO, St. Clair, MO, Taney, MO, Texas, MO, Webster, MO, Wright, MO
Camden, MO
Jan Farthing Ph:(573) 729-6355
Bill Emmerling Ph:(417) 682-3343
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Creative Homemakers & Alternative Educators of SWMO (C.H.A.O.S)
Closed to new members!
This group is a secular group for homeschool moms and their families looking for a way to meet other moms and make friends for their children. We have monthly meetings, craft days, play days, holiday parties, moms night out and exciting field trips. We hope you come and join our adventure of raising our children. We are a very active group. Please no lurkers.
Meeting: Based in Polk County, Missouri, many events are held in Springfield, MO, with some fieldtrips and activities in Branson and surrounding areas.
Serving: Springfield, Dadeville, Bona, Comet, Dilday Mill, Everton and surrounding areas.
Neighboring Counties: Barton, MO, Camden, MO, Cedar, MO, Christian, MO, Dade, MO, Dallas, MO, Greene, MO, Hickory, MO, Jasper, MO, Laclede, MO, Lawrence, MO, Polk, MO, Webster, MO
Dade, MO
Jennifer Pearson
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Families for Home Education Region 6 East (FHE R6E)
Missouri Lobbyists for the Home Educator since 1983.
The purpose of FHE is to protect the inalienable right of parents in Missouri to teach their own children without state regulation and control.
240 SE 1st Lane, Lamar, MO 64759
Serving: Lebanon, Saint Roberts, Rolla, Dixon, Saint James, Cuba, Bourbon, Marshfield, Licking, Salem, Houston, Mountain Grove, Ava, Mountain View, Alton, West Plains and Gainesville areas.
Neighboring Counties: Baxter, AR, Fulton, AR, Marion, AR, Randolph, AR, Benton, MO, Camden, MO, Carter, MO, Christian, MO, Cole, MO, Crawford, MO, Dallas, MO, Dent, MO, Douglas, MO, Gasconade, MO, Greene, MO, Henry, MO, Hickory, MO, Howell, MO, Iron, MO, Laclede, MO, Maries, MO, Miller, MO, Moniteau, MO, Morgan, MO, Oregon, MO, Osage, MO, Ozark, MO, Pettis, MO, Phelps, MO, Polk, MO, Pulaski, MO, Reynolds, MO, Ripley, MO, Shannon, MO, St. Clair, MO, Taney, MO, Texas, MO, Webster, MO, Wright, MO
Dent, MO
Jan Farthing Ph:(573) 729-6355
Bill Emmerling Ph:(417) 682-3343
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Families for Home Education, Region 6 West (FHE R6W)
Missouri Lobbyists for Home Educators since 1983.
The primary purpose of this organization is to provide representation of the region in Jefferson City, with the Legislature. FHE's secondary purposes include informing new homeschoolers about state law, as well as providing contacts for regional support groups.
240 SE 1st Lane, Lamar, MO 64759
Serving: Springfield, Joplin, Carthage, Butler, Neosho, Branson, Nevada and Bolivar areas.
Neighboring Counties: Benton, AR, Boone, AR, Carroll, AR, Marion, AR, Crawford, KS, Linn, KS, Miami, KS, Barry, MO, Barton, MO, Bates, MO, Benton, MO, Camden, MO, Cass, MO, Cedar, MO, Christian, MO, Dade, MO, Dallas, MO, Douglas, MO, Greene, MO, Henry, MO, Hickory, MO, Jasper, MO, Johnson, MO, Lawrence, MO, McDonald, MO, Morgan, MO, Newton, MO, Ozark, MO, Pettis, MO, Polk, MO, St. Clair, MO, Stone, MO, Taney, MO, Vernon, MO, Webster, MO, Cherokee, OK, Delaware, OK, Ottawa, OK
Dade, MO
Bill Emmerling Ph:(417) 682-3343
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Greater Rolla Area C.H.E.S.S. (CHESS)
Christian Home Educators Support System
CHESS seeks to provide an easily accessible network of communication and resources which will support, encourage, and equip parents, enhance the experience of homeschooling for children and families, and educate those who are interested in homeschooling. We cooperate with and encourage all home educators in the greater Rolla area in matters of common interest, specifically focusing on families who have chosen to educate their children from a Christian perspective.
400 S. Jefferson, St. James, MO 65559
Serving: Annutt, Custer, Dent Ford, Gladden, Howes, Jack, Joy, Lenox, Rhyse, Salem, Sligo, Turtle, and surrounding communities.
Neighboring Counties: Camden, MO, Crawford, MO, Dent, MO, Gasconade, MO, Iron, MO, Laclede, MO, Maries, MO, Miller, MO, Osage, MO, Phelps, MO, Pulaski, MO, Reynolds, MO, Shannon, MO, Texas, MO
Dent, MO
Suzanna Embry Ph:(573) 259-7493
Ann Davidson