Work Based Learning DE State Parks (WBL)
Check out our website! We are trying to get high school student out in the field with us. If you have any questions feel free to call me or email me!
89 Kings hwy, Dover
Serving: High school seniors and juniors.
Daniel Korinth Ph:(302) 242-8503
Delaware Education Law Awareness (del-awareness)
Education Related Legislation!
Delaware Education Law Awareness is open to anyone interested in parent's rights to control the upbringing and education of their children. This list is an unmoderated networking and information-sharing tool. Because this list is open, we are a very diverse group.
Meeting: An online only support group.
Serving: Dover, Riverview, Milford, Harrington, Georgetown, Laurel, Bridgeville, Delmare and the surrounding State of Delaware.
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Delaware Unschoolers (DEunschoolers)
Educating those who embrace unschooling!
DEunschoolers is a place to learn about unschooling, interact with fellow unschoolers and discuss unschooling questions, concerns and triumphs. All are welcome who are supportive of unschooling and have an interest in learning about unschooling and discussing it's philosophies.
Meeting: An online only support group.
Serving: Middletown, Smyrna, Dover, Harrington, Milford, Seaford, Laurel, Millsboro, Georgetown, Lewes, and surrounding communities.
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Sussex Home Educators
Seeing our children grow and learn!
Our mission is to enrich our home educating lifestyle by creating a network of support in Sussex County and surrounding communities. We want to connect with other home educators who can share our like-mindedness, our difference, our questions, our challenges, our triumphs and our knowledge in a non-political environment. All are welcome regardless of age, race, religion, home-educating method or family size.
Serving: Fenwick Island, Frankford, Georgetown, Millville, Seaford, Ocean View, Delmar, Laurel, Rehoboth Beach, Ellendale, and surrounding communities.
Neighboring Counties: Kent, DE, Caroline, MD, Dorchester, MD, Wicomico, MD, Worcester, MD, Cape May, NJ
Sussex, DE
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MD DC VA Educators
Connecting homeschooling families!
This groups exists to share resources, activities, ideas, and support among the homeschooling community. We provide an open forum for homeschooling families. We are proud that our membership consists of a wide variety and broad range of religious and homeschooling philosophies. We have a large pool of knowledge, experience, and expertise within our membership. Military members are welcome to join.
Meeting: Group meets online for homeschooling discussion.
Serving: Shelbyville, Millsboro, Georgetown, Milton, Milford, Harrington, Magnolia, Camden, Dover, Middletown, Glasgow, Newark, and surrounding communities.
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DE Preschool to Homeschool
An active homeschool community!
We are an inclusive home educators support group for families thinking about homeschooling their preschool or toddler in the Wilmington area. As a group we meet year-round to chat, discuss goals and educational resources, and to support each other. As a local preschool-homeschooling group this affords us the opportunity to get to know each other in person too. This group is open to families who are thinking about home educating their children.
Meeting: Group meets for activities in the Wilmighton area.
Serving: Newark, Roseville Park, Millford Crossroads, Pleasant Hill, Hockessin, Centerville, Winterthur, Montcahnin, Westover Hills, Elsmere, Wilmington, Claymont, Bellefonte, and surrounding communities.
Neighboring Counties: Kent, DE, Cecil, MD, Kent, MD, Chester, PA, Gloucester, NJ, Salem, NJ
New Castle, DE
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Inclusive Pre-homeschool
M.O.T. Home Schoolers
Support Through Education!
We are a group of Home Schoolers or Home Educators who meet year-round to discuss goals and educational directions, to share resources and support each other in educating our children. This group is open to families who are actively home educating children in grades kindergarten to 12th.
Serving: Wiggins Mill, Middletown, Odessa, Fieldsboro, Pinetree Corners, Townsend and surrounding communities.
Neighboring Counties: Kent, DE, Cecil, MD, Kent, MD, Chester, PA, Gloucester, NJ, Salem, NJ
New Castle, DE
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Hand in Hand Homeschoolers
Making a Difference in the Community!
We are a group of Christian home educators whose goal is to support each other's endeavors, keep up-to-date on state laws, and make a difference in the communities in which we live and worship. We want you to feel safe to express your hopes, fears, and triumphs during this phase of your life known as "the homeschooling years."
Serving: Bridgeville, Seaford, Laurel, Blades, Midnight Thicket, Bethel, Concord, Old Furnace, Craigs Mill, and surrounding communities.
Neighboring Counties: Kent, DE, Caroline, MD, Dorchester, MD, Wicomico, MD, Worcester, MD, Cape May, NJ
Sussex, DE
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Tri-State Homeschool Network
Headquartered in Newark, Delaware
Tri-State HomeSchool Network is an organization that was formed in December 1986 to promote homeschooling and to provide support to the families that homeschool. Fieldtrips, monthly meetings, moms' meetings and extracurricular clubs are some of the support services we provide. Tri-State was founded by Christians on Christian principles but is not exclusively Christian in membership.
Meeting: Monthly Moms Meetings Aug - June
P.O. Box 7193, Newark, DE 19714-7193
Serving: Delaware, Pennsylvania and Maryland Tri-State area.
Neighboring Counties: Kent, DE, New Castle, DE, Sussex, DE, Caroline, MD, Cecil, MD, Garrett, MD, Harford, MD, Kent, MD, Queen Anne's, MD, Berks, PA, Chester, PA, Delaware, PA, Lancaster, PA, Montgomery, PA, Philadelphia, PA, York, PA, Cumberland, NJ, Gloucester, NJ, Salem, NJ
Contact Ph:(302) 456-3545
Our Lady Queen of Peace homeschoolers
Faithful to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, this group of families meet to share faith and fellowship activities.
Meeting: Monthly for First Friday's Mass and Lunch; monthly Children's Holy Hour, little flowers and more.
Serving: Northern Delaware, Southern Pennsylvania and Elkton, Maryland areas.
Neighboring Counties: Kent, DE, Cecil, MD, Kent, MD, Chester, PA, Gloucester, NJ, Salem, NJ
New Castle, DE