Listing Local Homeschool Support Groups in the area of Cumberland, New Jersey (NJ)


Cumberland Area Homeschoolers

The world is our classroom.

Group meets once a month for support meetings, weekly for activities, and field trips are held monthly. Bimonthly newsletter and Yahoo Group access.

Meeting: Millville Area

Neighboring Counties: New Castle, DE, Chester, PA, Delaware, PA, Philadelphia, PA, Atlantic, NJ, Burlington, NJ, Camden, NJ, Cape May, NJ, Cumberland, NJ, Gloucester, NJ, Ocean, NJ, Salem, NJ

Cumberland, NJ


Ph:(856) 265-1928


More Information

Alliance of Christian Homeschoolers

4281 S. Lincoln Avenue, Vineland, NJ 08361

Neighboring Counties: New Castle, DE, Chester, PA, Delaware, PA, Philadelphia, PA, Atlantic, NJ, Burlington, NJ, Camden, NJ, Cape May, NJ, Cumberland, NJ, Gloucester, NJ, Ocean, NJ, Salem, NJ

Cumberland, NJ

Esther Eisler
Ph:(856) 327-1002
Fx:(856) 327-0511


South Jersey Homeschool Track Clubs

Join SJHTC and start a track club for your homeschool group!

The primary goal of SJHTC is to give homeschooled children the opportunity to experience track and field as recreation and sport! We also want to encourage each child to develop healthly exercise habits for a lifetime of fitness and self confidence. Track clubs are forming in the following areas of South Jersey: Washington Twp.; Burlington; Medford; Mt. Laurel; Willingboro. All Member Clubs are invited to compete in SJHTC Spring & Fall Seasonal Meets in an atmosphere of fun and fellowship!

Meeting: Fall and spring seasons six weeks each in Sept.-Oct./May-June.

Serving: South Jersey, Deptford, Monroe Twp., Vineland, Washington Twp., Waterford and the Williamstown area.

Neighboring Counties: Bucks, PA, Delaware, PA, Philadelphia, PA, Atlantic, NJ, Burlington, NJ, Camden, NJ, Cape May, NJ, Cumberland, NJ, Gloucester, NJ, Mercer, NJ, Monmouth, NJ, Ocean, NJ, Salem, NJ

Cumberland, NJ

Ida Biddle-Mayer



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If you have questions or comments please email Annette M. Hall.

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