Listing Local Homeschool Support Groups in the area of Chester, Pennsylvania (PA)


Tri-State Homeschool Network

Tri-State Homeschool Network

Tri-State HomeSchool Network is an organization that was formed in December 1986 to promote homeschooling and to provide support to the families that homeschool. Fieldtrips, monthly meetings, moms' meetings and extracurricular clubs are some of the support services we provide. Tri-State was founded by Christians on Christian principles but is not exclusively Christian in membership.

Meeting: Monthly Moms Meetings Aug - June

Serving: New Castle County, DE - Kent County, DE - Cecil County, MD - Delaware County, PA - Chester County, PA - Salem County, NJ

Neighboring Counties: Kent, DE, New Castle, DE, Sussex, DE, Caroline, MD, Cecil, MD, Garrett, MD, Harford, MD, Kent, MD, Queen Anne's, MD, Berks, PA, Chester, PA, Delaware, PA, Lancaster, PA, Montgomery, PA, Philadelphia, PA, York, PA, Cumberland, NJ, Gloucester, NJ, Salem, NJ

Chester, PA

Ph:(302) 456-3545

Vice President
Ph:(302) 456-3545


Greater Philadelphia Homeschool Science Fair

Sponsored by: Science Resources

Any homeschooled student from the Greater Philadelphia area (or beyond) who is in grades K through 12 during the 2004-2005 school year may enter this fair. The GPHSF is open to the public between 3:00 and 4:00 p.m. Students may choose to enter the GPHSF without being judged.

210 Lindbergh Avenue, Broomall, PA 19008

Serving: Greater Philadelphia and surrounding areas.

Neighboring Counties: New Castle, DE, Garrett, MD, Berks, PA, Bucks, PA, Chester, PA, Delaware, PA, Lancaster, PA, Lehigh, PA, Montgomery, PA, Northampton, PA, Philadelphia, PA, Gloucester, NJ, Hunterdon, NJ

Chester, PA


Christian Communicators of Pennsylvania

Public speaking and debate opportunities available!

Christian Communicators of Pennsylvania's vision is to equip Christian homeschool students with the skill set necessary to positively impact their culture for the cause of Christ. Our mission is to support homeschool parents in their efforts to develop good research skills, sound logic, and effective verbal and nonverbal communication in their children, so they may effectively communicate their ideas and principles under any circumstance.

Meeting: Each week in Morgantown, PA.

Serving: Serves the tri-state area (NJ, DE, and southeastern PA)

Neighboring Counties: Kent, DE, New Castle, DE, Cecil, MD, Garrett, MD, Harford, MD, Kent, MD, Berks, PA, Bucks, PA, Carbon, PA, Chester, PA, Dauphin, PA, Delaware, PA, Lancaster, PA, Lebanon, PA, Lehigh, PA, Montgomery, PA, Northampton, PA, Philadelphia, PA, Schuylkill, PA, York, PA, Atlantic, NJ, Burlington, NJ, Camden, NJ, Cumberland, NJ, Gloucester, NJ, Hunterdon, NJ, Salem, NJ

Chester, PA



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If you have questions or comments please email Annette M. Hall.

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