Listing Local Homeschool Support Groups in the area of Calloway, Kentucky (KY)


LAMP Homeschoolers of Calloway County, Inc.

Learning as the Master Planned!

The LAMP support group is a Christian homeschooling organization serving families in the Murray-Calloway County area of western Kentucky. You will find us to be a source of support and information for families in the Murray-Calloway county area. While we pride ourselves in being a wholesome, Christian group we honor and respect the diversity of homeschoolers. LAMP welcomes new and experienced homeschoolers who desire to meet with others to enjoy the many activities sponsored by LAMP and its member families. LAMP is volunteer-driven with simple requirements for membership which include annual dues as well as volunteer participation in at least one activity during the school year.

Meeting: Various clubs meet throughout each month and special events are scheduled throughout the year.

1718 Melrose Court, Murray, KY 42071

Serving: Murray, Almo, Kirksey, New Concord, Farmington, Dexter, Hardin, Hazel, Puryear, and the surrounding Calloway county area.

Neighboring Counties: Graves, KY, Marshall, KY, Trigg, KY, Henry, TN, Stewart, TN

Calloway, KY

SueAnn Stevens


Three Rivers Homeschool Network

The Three Rivers Homeschool list functions to connect homeschooling families and their support groups. Meeting announcements, field trip and activity opportunities, workshops and conferences, and homeschool related for-sale items will be welcome. While we welcome families of all faiths to participate, the majority of members are Christian and the subject matter will reflect a conservative, pro-family, pro-life point of view.

Serving: Western Kentucky, southern Illinois, and northwest Tennessee - covering roughly a 60 mile radius of Paducah, KY

Neighboring Counties: Alexander, IL, Franklin, IL, Gallatin, IL, Hamilton, IL, Hardin, IL, Johnson, IL, Massac, IL, Pope, IL, Pulaski, IL, Saline, IL, Union, IL, White, IL, Williamson, IL, Posey, IN, Union, IN, Ballard, KY, Caldwell, KY, Calloway, KY, Carlisle, KY, Crittenden, KY, Fulton, KY, Graves, KY, Hickman, KY, Livingston, KY, Lyon, KY, Marshall, KY, McCracken, KY, Trigg, KY, Benton, TN, Carroll, TN, Gibson, TN, Henry, TN, Houston, TN, Obion, TN, Stewart, TN, Weakley, TN

Calloway, KY

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If you have questions or comments please email Annette M. Hall.

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