Listing Local Homeschool Support Groups in the area of Caddo, Louisiana (LA)


Barksdale Air Force Base Homeschoolers

For BAFB homeschoolers!

BAFB Homeschoolers are here to serve, support, and encourage homeschooling military families stationed at Barksdale AFB. We offer a monthly Mom's Meeting to encourage homeschool moms as they venture on their journey to educate their children at home. We have monthly activities that include field trips as well as group and family outings. We also have an active teen group that meet together monthly for various activities. You are welcome to join our group at anytime during the year.

Meeting: Second Tuesday of each month in the Chapel 2 Annex at 6:30 p.m.

Serving: Military families stationed at Barksdale AFB, Shreveport, and surrounding communities.

Neighboring Counties: Miller, AR, Bossier, LA, De Soto, LA, Red River, LA, Cass, TX, Harrison, TX, Marion, TX, Panola, TX

Caddo, LA

Christy Mason
Ph:(318) 747-9904

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Christian Family Educators

Fellowship opportunities for everyone!

We are an organization of Christian home school families, serving the Shreveport/Bossier City area. CFE provides support to Christian parents who educate their children at home. CFE members organize field trips, special speakers, workshop meetings, support for political and legal concerns and publish a monthly newsletter. Agreement to our statement of faith required.

Meeting: Regularly scheduled events are listed in the CFE HomeSchool Herald newsletter.

P.O. Box 5941, Shreveport, LA 71135-5941

Serving: Belcher, Blanchard, Gilliam, Greenwood, Hosston, Ida, Mooringsport, Oil City, Rodessa, Shreveport, Vivian, and surrounding communities.

Neighboring Counties: Lafayette, AR, Miller, AR, Bossier, LA, Caddo, LA, De Soto, LA, Red River, LA, Webster, LA, Cass, TX, Harrison, TX, Marion, TX, Panola, TX

Caddo, LA




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If you have questions or comments please email Annette M. Hall.

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