Listing Local Homeschool Support Groups in the area of Butler, Kentucky (KY)


Butler County Homeschoolers

Serving Butler County Home Educators

Butler County Homeschoolers reaching area homeschool families for the exchange of ideas, co-op information, planned outings and general support. We are putting together a fun and active group of like-minded homeschooling families in our local area.

Meeting: Various times and locations

Serving: Morgantown and surrounding communities

Neighboring Counties: Edmonson, KY, Grayson, KY, Logan, KY, Muhlenberg, KY, Ohio, KY, Warren, KY

Butler, KY

Kristen Embry
Ph:(270) 662-0004

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Barren River HomeSchool Association

Parent Inspired!

We provide educational and social opportunities for our members through a variety of events and activities. Activities include: Fall Park Day, Spring Park Day, Fall Festival, Christmas Party, Valentine's Day Party, Spelling Bee, Geography Bee, and Science Fair. Throughout the month we also have co-op classes, Enrichment Day, Choir, PE, Yearbook, field trips, Mom's Night Out, Teen Events (including a graduation ceremony), 4-H, Scouting (Girl, Cub, Boy) and our basketball team.

P.O. Box 156, Rockfield, KY 42274

Serving: Aberdeen, Morgantown, Dunbar, Woodbury, Sugar Grove, Leetown, Mining City, Dimple, Boston, Banock, Casey and surrounding areas.

Neighboring Counties: Allen, KY, Barren, KY, Butler, KY, Edmonson, KY, Grayson, KY, Green, KY, Hart, KY, Logan, KY, Metcalfe, KY, Monroe, KY, Muhlenberg, KY, Ohio, KY, Simpson, KY, Warren, KY, Davidson, TN, Macon, TN, Robertson, TN, Sumner, TN, Trousdale, TN, Wilson, TN

Butler, KY

Jeanie Spears
Ph:(270) 842-7363



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If you have questions or comments please email Annette M. Hall.

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