Mighty Worshipers Academy (MD)
Drop-off Homeschool Electives Co-op
Mighty Worshipers Academy, Inc (MWA) is a Christian Homeschool Co-op that offers all required electives during the school year including Music, Art, P.E./Health, and a time of fellowship over lunch for Prek and Elementary students. The students will perform in concerts twice/year and have optional field trips throughout the year. There are qualified tutors for each subject and parents sign up to volunteer for classroom assistant shifts throughout the year. Childcare is available for children ages 0-3 during volunteer shifts.
Meeting: South Columbia Baptist Church, 1 day/week
Serving: Columbia, Laurel, Severn, Sykesville, Beltsville, College Park
Neighboring Counties: Anne Arundel, MD, Baltimore City, MD, Baltimore, MD, Calvert, MD, Carroll, MD, Charles, MD, Frederick, MD, Howard, MD, Montgomery, MD, Prince George's, MD, Adams, PA, York, PA, Fairfax, VA, Prince William, VA, Alexandria City, VA
Anne Arundel, MD
Karin Bowers
Arundel Homeschoolers (AH)
Sharing the vision for educating children!
AHSG is a local Christian homeschool support group based in Anne Arundel County. We seek to foster an environment in which our member families can effectively network with one another to share ideas and to enjoy
fellowship. We also sponsor several events during the year for the benefit of our members and the local homeschooling community. Statement of faith required.
Meeting: Join us for our History Fair, Spelling Bee, Science Fair and more...
107 Mountain Road, Pasadena, MD 21122
Serving: Annapolis, Arnold, Bay Ridge, Bristol, Burleytown, Elktonia, Fairview, Galesville, Gotts, Hableton, Lothian, Mayo, Nutwell, Round Bay, Studley, and surrounding communities.
Neighboring Counties: Baltimore City, MD, Baltimore, MD, Calvert, MD, Howard, MD, Prince George's, MD
Anne Arundel, MD

Thomas P. Milley
Bay Bridge Home-School Co-op (BayBridgehsg)
New Group Forming!
Bay Bridge Home-school Group is an inclusive cooperative group. We welcome all families from all spiritual, cultural and educational backgrounds and philosophies. This support group is for home schooled children 0-12 years of age. We will have group class followed by free play, and time for the parents to exchange curriculum ideas. Email introductions and kids. Ideas welcome.
Meeting: Group meets each Friday from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., in Queen Anne's County, Maryland.
104 Parks Road, Chester, MD 21619
Serving: Chester, Stevensville, Kent Narrows, Grasonville, Queenstown, Church Hill, Centreville, Starkey Corner, Rock Hall, Hillsboro, Queen Anne and surrounding areas.
Neighboring Counties: Kent, DE, Caroline, MD, Kent, MD, Talbot, MD
Queen Anne's, MD
Leigh Eckard Ph:(301) 775-7550
Join Yahoo Group
Inclusive Cooperative
LDS Homeschoolers in Maryland
Monthly activites for LDS Homeschoolers
This group is for members and friends of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who homeschool their children (or are considering homeschooling) in Maryland. We host a monthly family event (on the 1st Friday) in Howard/Anne Arundel/Baltimore Counties. We also encourage members to post and host other clubs, co-ops, and field trips.
Meeting: 1st Friday of every month
Serving: Galesville, Green Haven, Forest Villa, Riviera Beach, West Annapolis, Crownsville, Edgewater, Highland Beach, Germantown and surrounding areas.
Neighboring Counties: Anne Arundel, MD, Baltimore City, MD, Baltimore, MD, Calvert, MD, Carroll, MD, Frederick, MD, Harford, MD, Howard, MD, Montgomery, MD, Prince George's, MD, York, PA
Anne Arundel, MD
Lisa Larson
Angela Smith
Latter-day Saints
Anne Arundel Tweens & Teens Homeschool (AATTH)
Homeschoolers 10 & Up
New Group forming to bring more activities to the our local Tweens and Teens Homeschoolers! Swap ideas, Plan field trips and make new friends!
Meeting: In the Pasadena area
Serving: Glen Burnie, Pasadena, Severna Park, Severn, Brooklyn Park, Millersville and surrounding areas.
Neighboring Counties: Anne Arundel, MD, Baltimore City, MD, Baltimore, MD, Calvert, MD, Carroll, MD, Harford, MD, Howard, MD, Prince George's, MD, York, PA
Anne Arundel, MD
Contact AATTH
Join Yahoo Group
Southern Maryland Homeschool Network (SMHN)
Homeschooler's Guide to Southern Maryland
We are network of homeschool groups and individual homeschool families that encourage and support each others needs and choices through networking, sharing resources, and group activities. We value and respect the unique individuality of children and their different learning styles.
Meeting: Various local parks in the Southern Maryland area.
Serving: Rose Haven, Deale, Jewell, Owings Beach, Crofton and surrounding areas.
Neighboring Counties: Anne Arundel, MD, Baltimore City, MD, Baltimore, MD, Calvert, MD, Charles, MD, Howard, MD, Montgomery, MD, Prince George's, MD, St. Mary's, MD, Fairfax, VA, Prince William, VA, Alexandria City, VA
Anne Arundel, MD
Theresa Fort
Linda Crandall
More Information
Chesapeake Home School Group (CHSN)
Everyone is Welcome!
We are the oldest home school group on the eastern shore. We offer monthly support group meetings with seminars, speakers and topic discussions, annual yearbooks, monthly newsletters, field trips, co-op, holiday parties, organized park and field days, Moms night out, science and history fairs, annual Friends and Family night, and a curriculum lending library.
Meeting: Network meets 2nd Monday of the Month and Co-op meets every Tuesday in Chestertown
108 Donna Anne Court, Church Hill, MD 21623
Serving: Chestertown, Centreville, Kingstown, Church Hill, Price, Burrisville, and surrounding areas.
Neighboring Counties: Kent, DE, Caroline, MD, Cecil, MD, Dorchester, MD, Kent, MD, Queen Anne's, MD, Talbot, MD
Queen Anne's, MD
Denise Toth Ph:(410) 556-6536
Inclusive Christian
Safe Harbor Presbyterian Church Homeschool Coop
Working together to enhance home education for our children.
We offer classes for every age group taught by parent volunteers. Art and P.E. are offered for all age groups, plus a variety of other classes. Many Field Trips to choose from during the year. Members participate in holiday parties, spring program, yearly EXPO and curriculum lending library. We also participate in: The God's World Book Club, Pizza Hut Book-it Program and The President’s Physical Fitness Program.
Meeting: Friday Mornings at Safe Harbor Presbyterian Church On Kent Island.
931 Love Point Road, Stevensville, MD 21666
Serving: Based our of Queen Anne's County, with members from commmunities in Kent, Caroline, Talbot and surrounding areas.
Neighboring Counties: Kent, DE, Caroline, MD, Cecil, MD, Dorchester, MD, Kent, MD, Queen Anne's, MD, Talbot, MD
Queen Anne's, MD
Lori Witt Ph:(410) 643-1272
Saundra Barrett Ph:(410) 643-6317
Cooperative Christian
Mid-Shore Homeschool Cooperative
A place to learn & grow together!
Open to homeschooled children Pre-K through 12th (nursery provided) regardless of curriculum, educational style/approach, religion or spiritual philosophy. Group discounts for field trips. Families support the co-op by teaching 1-2 classes per semester and paying a low annual fee. Sliding scale scholarships may be available.
Meeting: Friday mornings in Easton.
Serving: Mid-shore, eastern shore, Talbot, Caroline, Dorchester, Queen Anne and Kent Counties.
Neighboring Counties: Kent, DE, Sussex, DE, Caroline, MD, Dorchester, MD, Kent, MD, Queen Anne's, MD, Somerset, MD, Talbot, MD, Wicomico, MD
Queen Anne's, MD
Cyndi Johnson Ph:(410) 479-0532
Angela Bourassa Ph:(410) 479-4921
More Information
Columbia Homeschool Community (CHC)
The World Is Our Classroom
CHC offers enrichment, socialization and
support. Co-op classes (art, science, music, foreign languages, history,
literature), field trips, play groups, year-round sports, drama, musical productions, dances, science fair, art show, 4H, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, camping, and much more!
Meeting: Monthly field trips and family events.
Serving: Baltimore-Washington corridor including: Howard, Anne Arundel, Prince Georges, Baltimore, Charles, Carroll, and Montgomery counties, as well as Baltimore City.
Neighboring Counties: Anne Arundel, MD, Baltimore City, MD, Baltimore, MD, Calvert, MD, Carroll, MD, Frederick, MD, Harford, MD, Howard, MD, Montgomery, MD, Prince George's, MD, York, PA
Anne Arundel, MD
Lisa Dean Ph:(410) 740-6688