Listing Local Homeschool Support Groups in the state of Alaska (AK)


Alaska Free Homeschoolers

Say yes to free homeschooling!

This site is designed for the encouragement of Alaskan private homeschoolers who have resolved to remain free of state control in all manner possible, specifically by not accepting any state monies through the State of Alaska correspondence or charter school programs. We have coordinated get-togethers and field trips for our children. We welcome you and hope this site will encourage you in your decision to remain free schoolers and free Americans. Oh, and we have FUN, too!

Serving: Fairbanks, Wasilla, Anchorage, Kenai, Eielson AFB, Palmer, Big Lake, Homer, Kodiak, Bethel, Talketetna, Willow, Sutton-Alpine and surrounding communities.



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Fairbanks Christian Homeschool Group

Time for Science and Math!

Fairbanks Christian Homeschool Group provides moms only get together (once a month), weekly play date for the kids, occasional nature walk/hike, field trip whenever appropriate. During this summer, we have been walking once a week and discovering God's creations (Science Walk). It is a blessing that we have a retired Princeton University Professor guiding our adventures.

Meeting: Once a month moms only meeting at the Noel Wien Library.

Serving: Fairbanks, Aurora, Broadmoor, Hamilton Acres, North Pole, Harding Lake, College, Totem Park, Westgate and surrounding areas.

Neighboring Counties: Denali, AK, Southeast Fairbanks, AK, Yukon-Koyukuk, AK

Fairbanks North Star, AK


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Alaskan Homeschoolers

Get Connected!

The Alaskan Homeschoolers mailing list exists to provide parents, administrators, teachers, and communities timely and useful information in regard to home, charter, private and other progressive, alternate forms of education in the State of Alaska. It is intended to serve as a forum for educational resources, community events and other positive and supportive news and dialog.

Meeting: An online only support group.

Serving: Savonoski, Koggiung, Long Island, Coffman Cove, Port Protection, Hydaburg, Klawock, Newhalen, Pilot Point and the surrounding state of Alaska.


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Anchorage Life Learners

Come play and learn with us!

We are a secular and inclusive group of home learners and educators in Anchorage, Alaska. We provide social and learning opportunities for our members. ALL seeks to create a diverse group of homeschooling families for field trips and activities.

Serving: Anchorage, Eagle River and Girdwood, Chugiak, Fort Richardson and surrounding areas.

Neighboring Counties: Kenai Peninsula, AK, Matanuska-Susitna, AK, Valdez-Cordova, AK

Anchorage, AK

Kjerstin Boorstein


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Anchorage Christian Homeschoolers

Welcome Alaska Homeschoolers!

Anchorage Christian Homeschoolers was organized in January of 2009 to create a community of Christian home schoolers in Anchorage, AK. The group meets monthly or more for field trips and activities.

Meeting: No formal meeting schedule.

12315 Avion Street, Anchorage, AK 99516

Serving: Anchorage, Eagle River, Chugiak, Girdwood, Birchwood, Indian and surrounding areas.

Neighboring Counties: Kenai Peninsula, AK, Matanuska-Susitna, AK, Valdez-Cordova, AK

Anchorage, AK

Denise Chythlook
Ph:(907) 317-5141
Fx:(877) 393-5954

Deana Watson



Come share Alaska!

AlaskaHS provides an opportunity to dialog, share activities, networking, discussions, classes, family get togethers, and anything else that is of interest to list participants. No single form of homeschooling is promoted because we are all unique. This group is made up of religious and non-religious, political and those who are not. And that's ok! If I can't share what's on my heart than why am I homeschooling? Join in and post things of interest.

Meeting: An e-mail discussion group.

Serving: Alaskan homeschoolers or want-to-bees.


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Alaska Unschoolers Network

Join Alaska Unschoolers Network for activities, support and interaction.

Alaska Unschoolers Network is a new group, and we are looking for input in what families want and need in a support group. I envision field trips (all ages) meetings for kids and adults, speakers and activities for families.

Meeting: To be determined

P.O. Box 1216, Palmer, AK 99645

Serving: Mat-Su Valley and surrounding areas


Sandie D.Sheldon
Ph:(907) 745-3769


Alaska Private and Home Educators Association

Promotes home education!

Supporting and helping Alaskan parents perform their God-given responsibility to train their children through home and private education. APHEA is committed to the encouragement of Alaskan private homeschoolers who have resolved to remain free of state control in all manner possible, specifically by not accepting any state monies through the State of Alaska correspondence or charter school programs.

PO Box 141764, Anchorage, AK 99514

Serving: Anchorage, Fairbanks, Atqasuk, Eagle, Nondalton, Charlieskin Village, Wainwright, Kaktovik, Big Lake, Port Heiden, Houston, Wasilla, Willow, Palmer, Nome and surrounding Alaska communities.


Board Member
Ph:(907) 376-9382

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Fairbanks Area Homeschoolers

Helping all homeschoolers in Fairbanks!

This friendly group is where you can get home education support, discuss homeschooling, trade curriculum, announce events. While the groups focus is for those living in the Fairbanks area anyone who will be moving to the area in Alaska is welcome to join as well. We have some wonderful homeschool and Fairbanks resources.

Meeting: Various activities are held in the Fairbanks area.

Serving: North Pole, Fort Wainwright, Eielson AFB, Fox, Delta Junction, Salcha, and surrounding communities.

Neighboring Counties: Denali, AK, Southeast Fairbanks, AK, Yukon-Koyukuk, AK

Fairbanks North Star, AK


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Juneau Home Educators Association

Giving one another encouragement and support.

JHEA is a local support group for homeschooling families in and around Juneau, Alaska. This group has been a source of encouragement for Juneau homeschoolers for around 18 years.

Meeting: The second Monday of each month (school year only), at 7:00 pm, in the Mendenhall Valley Public Library.

PO Box 32663, Juneau, AK 99803

Serving: Juneau and Southeast Alaska

Neighboring Counties: Haines, AK, Sitka, AK, Skagway-Hoonah-Angoon, AK

Juneau, AK

Nels Tomlinson
Ph:(907) 789-0168



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If you have questions or comments please email Annette M. Hall.

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